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Sun 22nd Jan 2023 08:54

Slippery Slope

by Geartrude von Smokestack

If someone say few week ago, “There not only magic in world, but you magic, and can use to help bring other out of coma,” I tell them go back to sleep, they dreaming. Instead, all this, it like a dream, but it not a dream, and yet I can manipulate dream.
I thought that was just the other plane effect, but I enter Maggie mind. I no feel her the night before or next morning, fear for her, fear for Meadows after hearing Salus not doing well, and Calliope dead.
So I slide deeper into her mind, her silky, lovely colorful mind, so warm and welcoming. I no want to bring her out. I know feeling wanting to stay where safe. She deserve rest. But, not where can’t get back, not where she alone. I know what alone do to a person. Not good.
I want… we have too much to give her. I tell her she be safe, Jenson will be there keep her safe. She make me promise I be there too. In her head, she know what I not say too. I do promise. I was promising to my words, but in my heart, I think I already made decision. If she wanted me, I stay.
Of course, I no have much time to talk after this as then her mind decide it hurt and need to cause havoc and attack, infection… me. So I defend her from ugly orc that hurt her, and dead Pumpkin, and Jaime? And why Salus dead? Why Jenson and I dead? I nearly panic at that but blow my whistle for help. No expected result, creepy shadow hands help but not help, escape though silk that reminded me of Jenson, which make feel… odd.
When come out of it, Maggie better, not awake, but no longer too far gone. She safe, for now.
But what of others? Exhausted, I napped, thoughts on my mind, though only woke short time before. Nunya, Gyx, was still on my mind. Needed to tell him I stay. I so happy he no mad at me anymore, and he trust me enough with real name.
Just few short weeks and have family, even if some crazy, and destructive… Jenson… He blew up warehouse. Whiro’s seed. He told me to warn him if he went too far. Was what I saw in Maggie mind more than dream?