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Mon 11th Apr 2022 02:41

The Worst Day Back.

by Geartrude von Smokestack

It been a long day. From start to finish. Didn’t even get a full night sleep as we appeared on plane late at night. Talked Salus couple times, she confirmed she god. It didn’t go well. She refuse to do anything but hide, even if she is god of peace. She no will remember me, will just be a page in journal. I lost a little faith in her. These gods, they just playing chess with us.
Then there’s Nunya, he mad me for leaving even though left him with a family. I know he need time, but no know if he give me time of day again.
Went to Sanctuary, at least Jenson had good day seeing his friend now in charge of place. She gave good info, but sad, no know where his dad is.
Worse, when got back, generator for water in Meadows missing. We go find. It been thrown in river. I go in, able to use telekinesis to lift out, but no matter, it already too waterlogged. So I gave money to Meadows for new one. Probably too much, but no care.
The “anti-Salus” group is responsible. Jaime asked Meifang and she said Urakeir had become heavy handed and she no longer cop. They no like underfae. Underfae blamed for court incident. Judge dead, Rowen council dead, no Pumpkin, no us, no bad jaguar or monsters that reflect my brain melts. Just because you paranoid doesn’t mean there no government cover ups.
I did get chance to talk with Jaime and offer him to use me as bait or what ever needed so we can try to get Dark and Light to work together. If he could get in there it would be good leverage, but seems fate no work that way. He said he needed to think and get back me. He wanted go with Jenson and wanted me go with Morq. I no want to go but I go anyway because Morq first day here and she need friend.
I not good friend.
She no want to stay in Meadows. She want be independent. She want live in woods. So I help her start build home in woods. But she had mentioned seeing vision of white wolf. Others mentioned Victor left and no come back. I put 2 together. I watch woods. Sure enough. Huge white wolf no like use in its territory, come challenge us. I try talk to it. Morq try fight it. I try stop both. I do wrong way. I try keep Morq out of harms way, but want do all of us, not strong enough. Should have lifted higher, and I didn’t. Should have let her down when she asked, but didn’t ‘cause thought she would fight more. Should have trust her. I bad friend. But I talk Victor, convince him to let her stay and build home. Still, lost friend and trust in process.
I no know how bad until later, when I see her scars. She no know my scars, but I understand more and I too sorry for what I do. I understand helplessness. I understand and I sorry. But she have to shoot arrow at me? And build traps like those that kill Puck family? She know about those? I told her, but maybe she no think. We all forget in anger.
So I try to calm, doing only thing I know how; tinker. I try fix gear for Jaime, help him sleep better. Or for when see Hecate. Of course, I no get far when there a little knock on the weak little door to the tiny room I given. Better than corner behind crates I made before, I guess. It little Gathug. He want adventure, like 3 Musketeers. So I took to library. Except we get lost. There was thugs in alley who try to attack us, except I cause darkness and get us out. Someone attack thugs as we left. Gathug got too excited my magic, then he excited about this other, this vigilante. Gathug say there is one running around called “Noche Obscura.” He also tell me that Ssustluss leader of anti-Salus group is said to have a place outside of Meadows where they gather. Gathug happy though because I give him book, not on 3 Musketeer but on how to fight. He need learn how protect himself and his family. We all do.
And maybe no too soon. When we get back Snake boy already at it. Recruiting and telling people Salus weak. That Meadows need strong leader. I tried showing that he not that strong. It back fire. He strong enough to no be tripped. And then he do something that made me feel like I on fire. I hate fire. Fire scary. So I just shock his mind little. Puck unfortunately also got involved and by time I was about to save him, Salus showed up and yelled at us. She banned me. Me! I no even back a day! I- I- I… did wrong. But he make me so mad. I just protect home. I protect Salus.
But I leave. Eventually, Jaime and Jenson come and want to find Morq. I no want to find Morq. Morq mad me. I announce presence and tell her they want talk. She shoot at me again. I walk away. Eventually, they Jynore came and told me Jaime leaving. Leaving as in going away and no come back. What? I ran back and slap Jaime breaking fae promise I guess but no care. He should tell me first.
So just like that, we suddenly making plans to break into his house, save boyfriend, and send them another plane to get away from scary parents. Thankfully, we got him out. We had to break magic on a phylactery that held Ryan there. While there, we found Pride seed. But they had too many ward on it, we come back.
Also learned, I’m considered underfae no matter if I choose or not. It no fair. But worse, all light and dark come together, they getting ready to attack underfae. And one scary bird guy says “master needs underfae as assets.” That almost worse. But whatever coming, I know it no good, and we need more preparation. Gonna miss Jaime. He strongest, bravest, sassiest, and he may not know, but maybe even last hope for now we no longer have any light or dark, no more balance. I scared.
He lucky though. He with soul mate. Maybe that help? More love in world, more can fight death? We need more like him.