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Sun 10th Oct 2021 10:39

The Good, the Bad, and the Wormy.

by Geartrude von Smokestack

Morq gone. Jaime better. Jenson told about Atrix and everything she said. There were originally 7 champions who had 7 artifacts that the gods sealed seeds of Whiro away in. Pumpkin’s dulcimer is one, and so is Jenson’s bow. These champion’s artifacts made the compact and that’s why it mustn’t be broken today. Apparently, it why we brought together.
I still no want anything to do with it. No idea how it got to be my fight. They champions, they fighters, not me. Jaime tried picking fight with big guy after he was pickpocketed. It was just a kid. The kid took his money and after we surrounded him (with a little Mesmer grab) and some persuasion, he led us to his boss. That boss was mean guy hurt people, took over their thief guild, didn’t deserve position or respect. Told him as much. Walked out on him. Left poor saytr lady there, Loch, I think was her name. Could do nothing for her without getting us all killed. At least not yet. Maybe later. Hate leaving so much undone. Jenson says its for best. Not so sure. Not doing anything is almost as bad as doing wrong. But then I’m used to staying in shadows and not taking sides.
Still didn’t sit easy with me. Like leaving slaved blacksmith in Cielo Vista, dog fighting ring, trappers, and Puck’s girlfriend. So many things left behind. All because there something more important? Aren’t little things important? In bigger picture isn’t the little details the ones that matter? Isn’t it the corners of the Mona Lisa’s lips that make her smile beautiful? Isn’t it the imperfections in stained crystals that make them shine brighter?
At least I do one little thing instead of one big thing tomorrow. But first, I need to know something. Something that I put off knowing. Something that in my heart I already know. I sleep. I see two archways. One to a dream I know that will be peaceful and happy. The other dark, and writhing. Even after hearing Jenson mention that going through the astral plane could help Whiro escape, I had to do this one last time. I walked through the wormlike dark door.
Back to the train depot. Back to the scene where my parents lay dead, or almost. Papa still moved a little. But the worm monster, it approached him, just like before it dropped pieces of itself on papa. Poor papa couldn’t fight back, had no strength left and even as the worms were shoved in his mouth he tried, but couldn’t cough them up. I wanted to look away but couldn’t as he turned into a copy of that same monster. Papa… no the new monster picked Mama’s body up and walked away with her. She was dead, certainly, shot in the heart. Gone. They both were taken. I’d worried they were captured, but this, to be transformed in such a horrific way….
If these are the creatures after us, it is even more important I talk to the shop keeper.