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Sat 27th May 2023 04:32

Of Witches, Clowns, and Gods.

by Geartrude von Smokestack

Begin writing your story here...I let Raaj live. I nicer than Jenson. Raaj just promise leave town and never come back. Also left Dr. McCoy to me. Birdman who we find out send underfae to “Collector” including Jenson mom, got dropped into ocean. Hag who gonna trade birdman something got away when Jenson did some fireball. And Jenson dad there, at least something happy come. Jenson dad wanna kill birdman too, I guess. But at least can rest easy some bad stuff stopped for little while.
But work for night not over yet, we still need to get Morq son. Birdman tell us there collector take one each kind fae for display. He tell where next portal to collector tower be, under bridge in park.
Hag provide underfae. Birdman also know Caraway, not good. This collector has huge eye with reptillian-like pupil. It look intelligent and no care who hurt. This thing apparently love intelligence and do anything to get more. Head of intelligence network that span more than city, maybe more than world. Also somehow got to be head of west docks? But why stop there? Why no be Hecate?
Birdman also say Chief working for hags, no surprise there. Birdman was luietenant’s helper back when Jenson young, sent to collect the “item” i.e. Jenson mom. Jenson dad apparently made underfae when try to kill birdman, then cursed by hag when try get more clue to Jenson mom. Now finally coming together, until Jenson drop birdman from sky. See much nicer.
We stop at Greenwood new pub, Exotic Guinea Pig. Others think to meet Meifang, or rest. I have other idea. Since I “underfae” and can’t “own” people, no wanna “own” people anyway, I give Dr. McCoy to Greenwood. He good man, trusted, and own bar so have money.
Meifang told us no one know West Dock Lieutenant, but he hold Gala every decade or so for elite rich. Most people don’t know of this gala, but she might be able to get one person in because of her complicated family history, her father dragon! Unfortunately, grandad no like her mom not dragon, grandad kill parents. She orphan like me. Grandad, “the Drake” kill her if she go party.
Worse Meifang know “Black Lotus,” might be one. Those the bad people from Primal Wilds who after Morq and attack me. No good. Have enough on hands.
With that, Morq head out and so we go to forest, which quickly turn to swamp, who knew. Lots of mist. Lots of voices. Bad voices. Voices tell me bad things. Tell me things watching us. Tell me bad people take me away. Things in shadows watching.
Then grass die around Jenson feet. Same feel as holy water evaporating. Either there another seed around, or he getting stronger.
Voices start get worse and even become like Nunya. Someone asked what we want, when said I want out, like they said was what key was, voice said “turn around.” She said she like our sadness. I said she sad cause missing sis and know who kill sis. Already knew who this was before walk into forest, already know who kill sis before laughed at her shop keeper earlier that day. I negotiate with voice until she let us all see through mist to her hovel.
Once inside, only little girl by meager fire, but I no fooled. Everything in decay and once I step inside with others small fire go out. I make her charmed and friendly even with ugly rotten teeth like sister. She tell keeping underfae “safe.” But Morq find their clothes in corner, all but Morlek’s. I take new “friend” outside, she say “They’re all here.”
Jenson asks how to get them out. She no talk. So I tell her I kill Sally Greenteeth. She wants my friends, tries polymorph Jenson, but he quick to counterspell. Once she attack Jenson, his dad come from shadows and all hell break lose, let just say, Mr. Tock no longer friend. Jenson dad killed Hag.
Found cursed chain on hag, that think each link is animal that was person at one time. Also locket that has hair and tooth of what probably her sisters. Fun. Even funner Morq took hag head and go talk secret to Meifang.
Of course, not so secret, and in the haze of all, after being half eaten by alligator, at 3am, after crazy mist, maybe I still paranoid, but make mess as I try to get Meifang take me with to help. Tell her I circus clown they look for. I try tell if she take Morq to black lotus she need take me too, but it no work that way, she think I accuse her being one. I mess up, only make true clown of self.
Still tired, I know more to do, need leave with Meadows folk in few hours. I took time to read Pumpkin letter, it sweet and remind me of her. Find nothing new in her diary though.
Then look through Salus notes on family journal. So much info from great grand parents to parents. All chased, women learn to plane shift to run away, but always catch up and men die protecting family, family got smaller. Momma got crush on “not innately evil” guy on Pandemonium plane, made me, but no more plane shift since momma think that may hurt baby. She know insanity run in family. She no know what I know. If did, may be alive today.
Momma also started to feel weaker when I born and more so when I got bigger. Confirm what Atrix say that seed need be spread so we no go completely mad. I no want baby, but after last night I need think about it, but ewww…
Still, need think about for future and maybe not bad idea for help with current problem. So I try meditate and think about Elysium and Celestial I meet there. But instead all I get is ugly voices making fun of me and my effort to search for truth and even think of having child. Voices know everything and no shut up. But push them away. No time for them, Meadows waking.
I talk Nunya and tell him I starting to go crazy, he need take care of Puck if something happen me, but I always come back him, if can. He try console me. He do good, make cry, but he no truly understand what going on, can’t make him understand. Of course voice have to tell me he betray me one day. I no listen, can’t list.
Salus came out, gave nice speech. Then one by one people say good-bye. Jenson thank her, but she thank him instead. I no idea why, he basically reason she dying. When most people gone I tell her despite all, I do believe in her. I ask if there was something can use to remember her, though of her wreath but she gave necklace she have as more portable. She want me “keep believing in those around me they keep me strong.”
Thinking that after Morq say her good-bye I talk her and tell I wanna help save son. She agree as we walk out and turn back to see Salus on top of structure watch us leave and slowly she fade into golden sparkles and gone forever.