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Sun 19th Feb 2023 09:26

Spinning Plates

by Geartrude von Smokestack

Just when have handle on things, life finds ways throw ‘nother ball at you, you need juggle. Salus as good as gone. I say my, well no good-bye, but “see you later.” Just when I start have faith. Strange thing life. I want peace, give into idea can fight this thing with peace, and peace taken away by very people trusted with it.
Now Salus gone. Home gone. And still so much to do.
Salus believe we can do this. I believe her, that only thing I can do to honor her sacrifice. I must finish what I start to cause this mess. I need fix this.
Yet, so soon after, too soon after, we meet lizard guy who protect Sally Greenteeth hag. He spotted me right away, call me murderer, but say they grow powerful and I laugh and show him how powerful I got. I no mean to really hurt him. I only mean scare him. I almost kill him. Now know how Jenson feel. He and I need to watch each other closer. I remind him.
And then Morq run off. I scared humans or fae see her running around as orc and arrest her, I run after. Then she run into Rutherford land, she no stop even when we warn they kill her, what she expect me do? I do only what good for her, what keep her safe. She never understand. So like would child that no listen, I pick up and turn away from evil. Just I do mind, no body. I try explain, she open up. She no kill me. I think it okay.
We go Harte Ranch. Robin tell us of powerful book that was stolen, one more thing to find. And Robin has date after our meeting at 6 for Jenson, which I think Raaj is involved with. Then Morq go disappear for little while, I think she meditating. I go talk to Justin, he doing good, got tan. I tell what really happen court house with Pumpkin. I think it crush him a little. He tell me Hartes don’t own ranch and he no know how contact them and they no have dulcimer. So many things still need to do then. I help with sheep, working with animals help make feel normal a little.
As if no need more plates to spin, Robin search house, find Pumpkin’s diary and some letters for us. I disturbed to read in her writing very recent entries where she not sure she good. How she not dead?
Even before all this, I mess up and announce to some little receptionist that I unaligned. Can’t put the djinn back in the bottle once it’s out. Maybe this why Jenson so surprised I bought a phone? He no realize I give up hiding. Well… to a certain extent.
I no want go in crowded bar, eww. And I no want go this meeting and say “Hi, Raaj, it me circus clown you look for.” So go invisible. Almost got caught by body guard woman. Then just as Jenson about to find out what trade about - there very bad people next door apparently that have something trade Raaj, there something bad going on here - someone broke into room across way. Everyone rush out, but I no let Raaj. No, Raaj and I have unfinished business.
I blast him, stop his plate spinning. Big blast, hopefully blast bad people in next room. Get justice Jaime. Get justice Dr. McCoy. Maybe mess up plans of stupid worm god along way.