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Sun 20th Aug 2023 10:00

Edge of Reason

by Geartrude von Smokestack

Begin writing your story herWe took people of Meadows into woods. Took hours, still not far. Not sure people able live here. No know live in woods. Morq try teach hunt and gather, they look disgusted. Nunya at least try. He no do so good, get embarrass and run, then trip over Vakmu. I ask Vakmu talk him about old memory and skip rock. It seem help.
Meanwhile Jenson work with Meadows people to get organized and who know what Robin do. I sleep to have energy for meeting Black Lotus.
Robin come with Ruth and lots of supplies. Robin rich. She tell us later that she set up for someone come an get curse remove from chain. We go Professor Bruce who have magic cube and info. Ruth read Bruce papers, knows he good. He give info for cube, different language for each plane, he know more than me! There enough info for smith to understand and fix cube, that good enough to work for now. Now just gotta find bad dwarf!
We have long talk with Morq try convince her no go to bad Black Lotus. Bad guy keep collection safe, son okay, we have plan go in one week when not expecting us. Morq seem okay, she go punch tree and say fine. Then Robin notice fire no stay lit. They blame Jenson. But fire no change when he go away, only grass die at his feet. Then they look me. I do what Jenson do, walk backwards and all. When get near other peoples fire theirs dim. Sigh. I no like light, but no mean put out for others. Why I always harm others unintentionally?
As if none of it made any difference, Morq then say she gonna go meet Meifang. So I pack away all valuables and weapons make look like put up a fight, so we ready to go.
We go, Robin faster on robodino, get to Greenwood’s bar before us. Still got in time learn about people wanting dead bird’s job in West Docks under Lieutenant. One named “The Render.”
Meifang tell us we no should try get captured, just go get info, no one ever escape from place they take people. After much talk, Morq start think about it. Finally, Jenson say, when hunt prey no take easy shot, learn prey first, play smart, take right shot. He talk her language, finally she agree.
Finally I relax, I no gonna die that night. I take Meifang aside after she relax a little and apologize. Tell her she good cop, I just no speak right. Ask if she trust me. She say trust my group, good enough for me. Tell her trust her.
She seem distracted and have note in hand. A little later Robin leave and Meifang leave just after. Don’t take Sherlock know what happen there.
I go back my people in woods. Still no sleepy I look at ring Salus give, still no clue what do, but definitely magic. It no matter, it last of her there is. I hope she at least at peace.
Something happened recently when use powers, feel stronger, cause fires go out, but also now no need Salus translation, can read journal on own. Read I did. Most curious about mom and dad, wanna know them. Find out things in court room same as take mama and papa life. Papa turn to worm one, their leader. Maybe he still in there somewhere? None of family school trained, no surprised, chased forever, and we different, so they just call “magic” and think these infected humans.
Mama hated travel and argued grandma a lot. Met papa in Pandomonium running off to meet him despite grandma. Soon enough grandma start go crazy, talk self, when grandma die, mama get surge of energy and mama feel sickened. Mama lose so much. And I never know any of them at least know names now, Talisha (pretty name) and Naeem Freeman. I miss family I no know.
But there family I do know. I find Nunya and lay with him and Puck for rest of night.
In morning Morq make breakfast again. After Jenson make speach to help moral, Morq notice something moving in trees. We go investigate, Morq and Jenson get first and find white wolf, Victor! Between Morq speak with animal and Jenson friendship with Victor, we think we now have wolves protect Meadows folk in woods. But he no can change human, he cursed by hag. So more work to do.
Feel self losing everything. I get strong, then more taken away. No wonder grandma crazy.