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Tue 5th Oct 2021 11:45

Tinker, Healer, Run

by Geartrude von Smokestack

Is it bad, that we so close to going home, I almost change my mind? So much has changed in just a few hours. Even after all that happened yesterday. I wanted to go back so bad. Now, now I want to stay and learn more.
Now, we may need to stay.
Jenson and Jaime went to the healers while I went with Morq to the inn. I wanted us to stay together. If I'd learned anything lately, it was best to stay together, and again it was proved right. This time in a strange way. First we walked to the inn and a shop caught my eye. It was unlike all the others, mostly because it had gears. Not the smooth fancy ones that must run this place but the hard working ones that run trains. There was a man there, and he watched the world about him almost like I did. I wanted to stop, but we did have something to do first and Morq and Puck were already out of time.
When we did return, he seemed nervous but more willing to talk inside, maybe it was Morq's large presence or my pleading about my father teaching me to tinker, he told me it's dangerous to mention any of those things in this place. Morq said he's from an area south of where she's from, that they learned to build without magic. I wanted to learn more about this, but this made the man paranoid and he pushed us out.
Now I know so much more about where I'm from, and I may never know any more, for Morq has run away. Not long after this, she made a commotion as she packed her things, and tried to slip away unnoticed. I have no idea why. But we tried to chase her through the streets, I met with Jenson and Jaime as they came back from the healers, Jaime looked much better, and she just rushed off onto a boat before we could reach her.
Now we are split again. And I too feel like running now.