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Thu 1st Apr 2021 11:23

April 1st - The Weirdest Day

by Geartrude von Smokestack

Circus train pulled into the station for the last time. Harcourt told us it our last stop. After a sad good-bye to Bill - gave me cap and his whistle - I follow others out of the station. Know not else what to do. Slowly they all dissipated until I left alone in a city I didn't know.
I no clue where go, who ask, or what do. So I just start walking, towing little suitcase behind. I turned corner in some alley and met cat. It no seem afraid and quickly like me. It appear smarter than average cat and want me follow. It lead me crying children. Two crying green children. I put off by this, obviously, but crying tug my heart strings. They lose their way, and their mom and one hurt.
The cat seem belong them as they recognize it immediately. I reveal myself and offer help. We follow cat, Sasha, to not so abandoned parking garage that filled with tents and homeless people. This was kid's home, though mother not here.
One of first people I see there was scary woman with five eyes that remind me big spider. I reluctantly follow her to the leader this shanty town, Salus. Salus look perfectly normal, if no disheveled, woman with an air of authority.
Inside Salus's tent there fire and nowhere shadows for me sit. She noticed and asked if she could touch my hand. I no like people touch me. Yet, she patient and kind and eventually, I let her. She say it cold, as if I no know that. She also ask if I feel more comfortable in darkness, which of course, I say yes. She told me I magical. Me? And my magic connected to shadows. Me? Magical? There no such thing magic. Closest any ever came, that guy that pulled rabbits out his hat years ago in the circus. And yet Salus asked Sasha show, and she disappeared, then reappear on my head. Magic!?
Salus said she'd research more, but why should she? I just someone off streets. But then again, I in camp, they called Asphodel Meadows, full of alien like people. Or maybe fantasy more like it, orcs and spiders, what's next goblins?
In fact, yes. Man came with a young goblin boy who claimed know where kid's missing mother and other people were. Salus gather group which include man and scary spider-woman and myself. She ask us go in sewer per goblin instruction, then ask me of all people to lead. I just get here, just find out magic real AND I magic, and she want me lead? I should kept running when I had chance. Now I mixed up with new group of freaks.
Afraid, I ask if there bigger people who protect us. Looking around there just scrawny people including new guy, Jenson, and five-eyed spider-woman they call Maggie. I begrudgingly agreed. Then Jenson said he need go, but send “friend.” Great. Another monster no doubt.
As made our way into sewer, yes, sewers as if all other stuff no bad enough, we soon joined by superhero. No, really guy dressed up in silver jumpsuit. I mean, really. I look him up and down, saw big C on his chest, and simply said, "Hi, Mr. C." Of course it Jenson, but I play along at this point. What came next nearly completely throw me off. There runes on the wall. Runes I see and no one else. This first pure magic, besides Sasha I see, and the first that apparently just me.
I so intent on runes I no notice four escorts disappear. When did, I drew closer Mr. C and even Maggie. This not place be alone. Shortly, two shadow...things attacked. I no know if I do anything, it felt like I do something, but really it Maggie who kill them, and definitely made impressive display, raising her in my eyes. When my heart calm a little, I spot number of bodies no too far ahead.
One was children's mother, Selina. Thankfully, she alive. After Jenson healed her, she explain that Sasha her familiar. Sasha understand this magic stuff more than I thought and sniffed out tablet. When Jenson destroyed it, I notice runes dimmed. This good. Selina said she believed we trapped until runes no active.
I no know language on tablet but focal point for spell words legible and dimmer after destroy next one. So we follow runes to center. There see undead minotaur taking people and put alter, sacrifice them. Mr. C, Maggie and Selina jump one walkway another. I walk. Also make orc dance and fall off. Other almost kill me but Selina save me.
Out of nowhere, lady come in from other side and burn minotaur while new man also attack it. Soon all gone, but not out danger, water begin rising. We go up, and destroy last tablet which stop water, but along way, I make friend of Mr. Tock the giant alligator. He try eat new friends, but tell him no. He go back to water. On way out we find trunk with some goodies, one was nice jacket with useful patches that others let me keep.
Fire breathing lady turn out be cop named Meifang, and other boy Jaime who both trying to solve same mystery, seem had worse time with shadow monster. Just as think could rest and return to Asphodel Meadows, we walk out sewers and police wanna question. Mr. C disappear before they put in car. We sit for hours. Jaime talk centaur girl there, apparently they had adventure before ours involve robbery and more police, not sure why centaur girl, Pumpkin still there but seem nice, even let me pet hair. Other people come, go. They take Maggie first but no bring out, no like this. She brave in sewers, she strong, she also eat lots rats in one bite. She have our back even if scared her. She honorable. No mess Maggie. So they take me back, they get bunch of gobliny gook, literally, I no talk them common. They need bring someone who know talk. Still, they push. I push back, only say one word. “Maggie.” Once free her, then I talk, even then not much say.
Once got back and go for sleep, Maggie invite me stay in tent. I no used that, I used hide, but I accept pillow and blanket she made her silk in gratitude. I go behind crates and sleep soundly.