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Mon 13th Jun 2022 01:18

Snake in Grass

by Geartrude von Smokestack

Messing up easy. Fixing things you mess up, not so easy. I try. All I do make more mess. I make apology to all of Meadows with several goals in mind. Mostly to fix my mess, but also wanted people have faith in Salus, or Meadows, or at least themselves. I mess it up by slipping saying people coming to kill underfae. Other goal was to move target off Salus and her people to me. If they think I more dangerous, maybe they leave her alone.
Guess not, because Jynore follow them and they had meeting where they now wanna hurt them. I try tell people to be peaceful and defend Meadows peacefully, and now I start war. I try to follow Salus and I only hurt.
That not only thing broke. Jenson took to elf named Robin, Robin know about cube and how fix. Well, kinda. Now we gotta go run around find more people because if no fix cube bad magic can leak out. And to fix cube, we spoke with blind man who was slave to bad dwarf. Now gotta go fix that too. At least blind man okay. But my mistake with dwarf probably cost us. Sometimes wish never left circus, never knew magic existed. Things simpler when only making dogs dance.
Even then didn’t know who was good and bad. Didn’t know who could trust. Still don’t know. Thought could start trust people. Thought could trust Salus people, Rachet… He was there when we went to warn Salus and Maggie, and felt fear right away. Just like others who with Susslusst that no like me. Those plotting against Salus. Before we even talk her, I confront him. Even when I thought I help before, with pump and money, to fix Meadows, it all went to these traitors, not to people who need. Everything broken.
How many more traitor among us? Who can I trust? Even people I thought friend shoot arrow at me. It perhaps time to return to shadows.
Even we let Rachet go peacefully, it do bad, he tell others we mean him. He no tell them what we ask tell them. I no longer know what good or bad. What right or wrong. If everything I do make bigger mess, do it matter?
This why never believe in gods. It not that I not believe they exist. Just have no faith in them that they help me. Have a god right in front of me, and even she powerless to do one thing she made for.
But maybe she can still be useful. I know I can not walk away and no let her either.