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Fri 21st May 2021 01:25

Entry 12

by Aretreya

Today we decided to go to the bathhouse due to a rumour. I decided I needed more of a pamper. Booking a massage and private bath for myself. I soaked in a bath seasoned beautifully by Tabitha, my attendant. She left me for an hour and came in for my massage. Her hands were very skilled in my very limited opinion. I tried to make small talk for a while but fell into relaxation until a blinding pain in my side.
I felt the poison seep into me and I commanded Tabitha to back the fuck of me and I rose naked and bloody from the table throwing the door open and calling for my bother.
My holy symbol was too far, I stood naked to defend myself and punched her with and inflict wounds. Tabitha pulled another blade and swung it at me. This pain was far worse as I fell into a heap on the ground.
I watched my body, lifeless as Tabitha scooped me up and put me into the bathtub, sliding the table over it to conceal me lifeless now drowning as well as bleeding out body.
My friends arrived, first Mel, who’s own silver tongue was not able to hear the deception in Tabithas voice, then my brother, then Hingle...
LOOK YOU IDOTS! Look at all the water all over the floor, the amount of water from a struggle. LOOK DAMNIT!
Tabitha lies so easily, they leave the room for a moment, I am alone, my spirit and body, clinging to the last of its breath. They return, Hingle casts suggestion for her to show them where I am, but it’s too la...