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Fri 19th Mar 2021 12:34

Entry 10 Sesson 20

by Aretreya

Tacitus wanted to walk back closer to the keep trying to cast locate object for the soil and the Obsidian as we passed by the keep a parade of purifiers past us one of them was Mornhell. I swear she looked right at me, but I do not know if she recognized us. Mel broke into a house that Tacitus felt like he located Obsidian in, but it was not a rock it was a pipe, so she left it.
We continued back to our room as Mel now had many questions about us. When we returned a tall slender man was waiting for us, he looked quite different but felt so familiar. He was the man from the Woods who gave us tasks for questions. We all spoke with him individually and he allowed me to change my question since he could tell that the task weighed too heavily on me. My new question was where is the artifact that Vivi’s parents had and the task that I got for this new question was a creature created by those who lived below called a retriever. I needed to slay it.
As a final task for the evening, we decided to go to the ‘w’hole world Tavern to ask around with the millworkers that frequent there if they've noticed anything strange. Tacitus spoke to a guy named Francis that said Danver has been in good spirits and hasn't been hitting on male employees making them uncomfortable lately. before we could ask anyone anymore questions, we heard screaming from outside when we went to look, we saw several shapes surrounding a man and a boy that looked remarkably like the one dead on the cross.