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Fri 19th Mar 2021 12:21

Entry 6 (Session 8)

by Aretreya

Upon returning the children to their parents we had asked them if they potentially could keep Vivi for us for an extended period while they went back to the keep now that the dragon had been vanquished but they were strange about it and said that they could not.
We continued and we found the Hut in the swamp that we thought belonged to the druid that was mentioned. it turns out the druid that we expected to find was a hag and that hag was recently killed by a tall man now in the Hut. This man did not tell us his name, but he said he knew all and knew nothing we unfortunately met him too soon. he could help us with what we seeked if we could complete tasks to show us what he meant our first task was to feed five birds and get mushrooms.
We did this to test the situation and once we were satisfied, he said he allowed us all to ask questions for a task individually. My question was where were VVS parents being kept, my task to get such an answer would be that I needed to separate three children from the parents from for at least two weeks without their knowledge, meaning I basically had to kidnap three children this did not sit right with me. Hingle and my brother did not tell me what task they were given or what question they asked, and Flynn denied getting involved with such a deal