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Fri 19th Mar 2021 12:13

Entry 1 (Session 1&2)

by Aretreya

We have met some people with our same interests. Flynn, a halfling who’s sister was kidnapped by the purifiers much like we assumed they were going to do to us, and Hingle a strange gnome who had been lost in a cave for I do not even know how long.
It became increasingly obvious to us that we needed gold to accomplish anything. The most important thing that we needed was to forge some identity papers to allow us to travel without tipping off the purifiers of who and where we were lest they try to capture us again. We went to Dimore to meet with Twiggy, someone from Flynn’s past who could help us get papers.
The cost was high, 500 gold. He gave us an option to collect money from various debtors. 10% of which would go to what we would owe for the papers. It was very apparent as we made our way down the list that we all had bleeding hearts and found it hard to collect from people who just we are having a tough time and were cheated. One of these situations, it came to light that a man by the name of Delemak was in debt because of his neighbor Macknog, who gave him some false information about farming, particularly that it was a good thing for the soil to plant the same thing repeatedly.
We went to pee a visit to the albino half work and Hingle tried to cast suggestion on him to get him to give ask the money that he cost Delemak, but it did not work. We decided to go back that night to steal what was rightfully Delemaks, but somehow, he knew we were coming Tacitus and I tried to raid the barn and we were ambushed. locked into the barn by his minions and set aflame. we managed to escape and Hingle set his house on fire in retribution as we escaped to the Woods.