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Tue 6th Apr 2021 04:04

Entry 11

by Aretreya

We immediately jumped into the fray. These demonic creatures let off a disgusting necrotic aura that killed the man almost instantly leaving his son alone. Mel turned herself and the boy invisible. While the rest of us attacked. I tried to only cast things that I could hide as cleric spells, bit Tacitus just called on his holy smite. Damn it Tacitus.
The creatures kept giving us diseases, bit together we managed to kill all.of them. Hingle was having some kind of wild magic issue and weird things kept happening to him and us, and at the end of the fight we all turned invisible. I used this time to cast revivify on the dead man and faked giving him CPR in hopes to disguise my spell. Telling him that he was never stabbed. I don't think he believed me, but seemed more thankful then questionable.
We took off while Mel stayed behind for some crowd control while we escaped. Still strange things kept happening. We had a Hingle kite, and he summoned a noisy clockwork creature that disappeared after a time.
When we got back to the inn the woman urged us to go to the bathhouse looking at Hingle with disgust. We all rested.