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Fri 19th Mar 2021 12:32

Entry 10 Session 19

by Aretreya

When talking to Edgar and Tad at the stables, they elaborated on the following one of the robberies was a halfling at the rootcutter Seer’s parlor. She had special stones that were stolen that they did not see value in they were not even gems. They also said that they saw a strange beast in the market at night with a blubber like face hunched and large. They also told us that at the bathhouse the girls there are upset because a patron by the name of Derek menden no longer comes there and they do not know why. They also said the Miller was acting weird. As we were leaving a large horse got our attention my brother spoke with that and it said that his name was Weck and he was a human that was turned into a horse by a witch for years he was from a place called heaven risk and was on a quest for land with some other mercenaries looking for work melody used dispel magic and turned in from a horse to a human being as we tried to leave with him we were almost caught by the owner of the stable asking where the horse went we said we never saw horse that the door is just open we were just curious and looking he seemed to believe us and we took our new friend to get a hot meal he told us that his entire troop were killed by the witch while searching a tower they thought was abandoned. for some reason he was cursed. However, he decided to stay with us not really having a home and not being able to really understand how much time he had spent in that form.
We decided we were going to go talk to halfling first try to find out what was going on there and on our way there we saw a large crowd they were surrounding a small group that was holding a large cross wearing red clothes strapped to the cross is a horrific looking monster with a blubber face much like what Edgar had described melody told us that this group was known as the Crimson mantle.
We found that old halfling woman named Arimathea. she gave us a reading from the deck of fates. each reading was individual except for the final one however some things stood out to me the one of Hingles readings signified that enemies may be allies one of Tacitus readings were that those in darkness mean us harm, mine was that we were sent to search for knowledge and had a great opportunity to succeed but not to be too hasty it may be our downfall. Our group reading was discovery at the forefront of important changes closely tide with the gods. After the reading she told us that what was stolen was and or stone a vial of soil and a piece of Obsidian and various other metals. Tacitus seems to believe that they were to aid in demon summoning. She said it was more sentimental than anything, but we offered to try to help if we heard anything. We decided to stop by the Millers to see if we noticed anything and melody turned myself in her invisible. we did not see Danver the Miller acting strange according to us anyways, so we decided that we needed to investigate in a different way.