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Fri 19th Mar 2021 12:16

Entry 2 (Session 3)

by Aretreya

Flynn went back and managed to bring papers to us. while in the forest we were attacked by spiders and stumbled across an abandoned baby owlbear that Hingle named Kacaw. Close to where we were a patrol of purifiers crossed our paths luckily my brother ever the charismatic deceiver pretended to be them. We continued to travel hoping to put some distance between them and us and found some huts that had abandoned food that looked like it was quickly left a storm came so we took refuge inside to sleep.
When we woke, we notice that there were some footprints around us that were not there before as if somebody came to our camp and searched her stuff. Flynn tried to speak with a mouse to inquire if he saw anything and the mouse said Nope. we had a watch that night so maybe whoever it was came in invisible. This made us nervous, so we continued our way and eventually heard some crunching and tearing and saw some insect creature eating a bear. We fought it, but not without a great physical cost that needed healing. We decided to head to Newood