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Fri 19th Mar 2021 12:19

Entry 5 (Session 6&7)

by Aretreya

While traveling we were attacked by a group of bandits which we dispatched they had insignias on their coats TNY. we took the insignias with us unsure of what they meant. We came across three elves, Fiven, Aylar and Leah, badly injured buy a blackjack dragon that attacked their home Raven glade keep. They had noticed that there was a glowing orb floating around the Dragons head at various times during the battle we thought that maybe based on the way the dragon was acting that he was obeying it.
They told us that their children Thane, and Caylan we're still there most likely hiding in the library Leo gave me a pendant that she had that matched the one her children wore to help me find them they also told us of a face spirit in the form of a Fox with three tails that would aid us in our quest to defeat the dragon, and also of a druid that lives in a swamp that might help as well as ruins in the norther part of the forest.
We came across the Fox who gifted us with magical weapons made of vines and twisted wood. Due to the difficulties of traveling the forest we were not able to make it to the druid or the ruins to seek help. We did not want to wait too long as the dragon was already injured from the fight with the elves. We found the children luckily, they were safe and we told him to keep hiding while we dispatched of the dragon. We attempted the stealthy route which quickly fell apart and we managed to kill it as it tried to flee out of the tower of Raven glade keep.