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Fri 19th Mar 2021 12:12


by Aretreya

I feel as if what we are doing is important. Considering our nation's history of removing the facts of the past, I felt it also important to document it all. Writing this all-down may one day come back to bite us, implicating myself, my brother, and our friends in the path that we are about to take. I can only hope that my Journal never falls into the wrong hands, and should I fall, I hope that either the right person finds it or if it falls into the wrong hands, that that person has an illuminating experience reading my truth. THE truth.
My brother and I grew up in a secret religious camp around a long-forgotten shrine to Opmus located in the Northwest of Damor. Several families made up the camp, resigning to a life of secrecy and solitude to continue our devotional worship and protect the shrine at all costs. My brother and I, for what we assume was thanks for our family's devotion were born Angel touched. Aasimar, as our kind was once known. Assumed a gift from Opmus to one day be his agents in this world.
Religious persecution has increased over the years and had almost reached its apex when a group known as the purifiers learned of our camp and came in the dead of night to wipe us all out. It was our understanding that the purifiers were coming for us. We watched the life we knew, our friends, our family, our little brother, be slaughtered during our escape, lead by the infamous Catrain Mournhell.
We decided that night, no matter how long it took, or what cost, we would get our revenge and dismantle the charter of religious prosecution so that all those who still feel the warmth of the gods would be allowed to follow them in peace.
This is our story.