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Fri 19th Mar 2021 12:17

Entry 3 (Session 4)

by Aretreya

we found our way to Newood. And headed to missed splitters temple. For some reason as we were standing in line Tacitus tried to secretly do magic but when someone noticed Hingle made people think that he was a Messiah. This made us get questioned by jorah the high priestess of miss splitter and for the most part we told her everything. As miss splitter was the last openly worshipped God in Falonde we had to trust that she would not persecute us for our proclivities.
We ended up staying in the twin flagons and were approached by a white-haired man saying that he was attacked by werewolves. for more coin we decided to try to help him. Unfortunately, with the battle and the travel, I fell asleep during my watch but when I woke up, he was still chained in the sewers where we had brought him.
The next day we went to a fish market in the poor side of town we came across a group of purifiers attacking a young tabaxi child I cast calm motions but Even, so things escalated, with Tacitus’ help of course. a fish man by the name of Jaharis call to us from inside an abandoned house to hide from the guards approaching our fight with the purifiers. I scooped up the tabaxi child and ran for the door soon followed by my friends.