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Fri 19th Mar 2021 12:24

Entry 7 (Session 9,10,11,12,13)

by Aretreya

So much has happened, I think I will miss a lot. We went to Scatun, Flynn seemed to have connections there we booked a Tavern room for a week and we had overheard some people talking about the purifiers in a negative way period when we tried to interject into the conversation in hopes to find more people to join our ranks, we scared them off.
We were approached by an elf man named Isaac he said he overheard us talking to the other group. Isaac used to be a guard at this Scatun Purifer keep just someone wanting a paycheck, but he had his own bone to pick with them and new of a fortune that they had that he was looking for some able-bodied people to help him. It took some convincing, but we did decide to help knowing that we wanted to break in there anyways.
We found a hidden door and broken from the bottom up we found offices with various papers based on what we found Isaac seems to think that they were summoning something. We came across themselves and found in one a halfling by the name of mini evenwood near death. we broke her out healed her and she aided us in taking down the keep.
We found ourselves in a courtyard we're a bunch of suspected purifer guards were training unfortunately we couldn't talk her way out of this one so we fought. when it was finally over, and we could continue searching the premises we found it unsettling that despite all the carnage people in the kitchen were still cooking telling us to wait for supper and we found a dwarf supposed to be on watch sleeping. He draws a lot says that there are shapes in the darkness honestly, he seemed insane.
We made our way onto the roof and there was a tall man at a desk wearing a high-ranking uniform when he saw us, he seemed slightly surprised said Mournhell was supposed to deal with us already. at the mention of Mournhell name Tacitius in a rage killed him, and with the killing blow some type of demon or devil creatures were summoned. We were already so tapped from fighting our way through the keep we were no match for the demons dropping like flies when I dropped, I saw a vision of Opmus he said there is still much I needed to do I opened my eyes healing energy exploded from me healing all my friends. Once the creatures were killed, we found more notes that they were bringing in more soldiers for experiments and that nothing should lead back to the organization and that one experiment was successful.
Getting back to the room where we left Vivi and Kacaw there was a woman in the room reading to Vivi she said her name was Malcan. She told us that there are many groups that are against the purifiers as we are and to seek them out. She did not know their names just knew of their existence. I was very unsettled by this and told VB that she cannot just trust anyone just because they say they know us I gave her a code word Bramble pelt and told her if we are ever not with her and a stranger comes up to her that they must know this code word in order for her to trust them. We left for Waydon, not before getting into an almost tussle with some frat boys on horses racing through the town without a care for who they might hurt.