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Tue 7th Dec 2021 10:08

Journey's End

by Katalina Castellanos

On journey has finally reached Geldervale.
While being checked over with little trouble, we are approached by Regionald who says Ainsleigh has a place for us to stay in the city,
he wishes for us to join him for dinner- which we agree too.
We make our way into town, and make note of the diffrent districts and their hyrachey,finding oursleves at the shinning mare inn.
Inside, I tell everyone that I must speak with the group privately.
We meet up at a seperate tavern and find a secludeded area to talk.
I know this may be the last time we are all together and feel I must be open and honest.
Firstly, I tell them about the overcomming awarness of my ability to affect peoples emotions.
I speak of my mother and the messages she has been sending, I fear for her safety but also do not wish my party danger....
I speak of the prophecy that wurmed its way into my mind, thinking its just ramblings...
Lastly, I speak of Melba and her deception towards the king of flames.
I dont not trust anyone, accepting my friends.
We arrive at the room for our meeting for deliver Midayla. The hotel room is opulent and full of art- Thunissian art in particular.
We meet Alyse and Ainsleigh who will be escorting Midayla on her way.