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Tue 14th Dec 2021 12:43

The Power of Magic

by Katalina Castellanos

  • As we awake in the morning, Delvin tells, Edgar has discovered location of my father.

  • I make my way to the political district to find out how the road to Bartwell keep is

  • Everyone in town is talking about magic and king of flames. More people are being recruited

  • Isadora greets me, she is a liasian of kings crop and is loyal to king of flames but Thunissian above all, shes not very keen on me.

  • Ainsleigh is very keen on gambling.

  • While travelling outward and onto Bartwell keep, - I try to deciper the phrophecy that was spoken to me....

  • "Powers gathering and people who conspire, shards of sunder, breaking... bonds of old.
    Shards you carry that yern for freedom will also breal but with them... something about new age of power.
    The crown... consumed by flames, war blood, moon, bonds brought to balance and true power of ironspire made free."
  • *Rewatch episode to get the full phropecy*

  • Pemble, Delvin and myself disscuss our magical abilities and we come to realise that everyone may have a source of power including the king of flames and Ainsleigh

  • We agree we need to secure the safety of our families and go after our enemies.