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Tue 28th Dec 2021 01:16

Into the Fray

by Katalina Castellanos

  • I tell Satra that I shall meet High Presist Sienna and she meets Delvin.

  • We trust Satra with infomation about Midayla and ask if she can be saved, we share infomation about our magical abilities and our shared unity for the fall of Ainsleigh and The King of Flames.

  • Satra fills us with vitality and awakeness (+1 to all rolls for the next few hours), we are to return to Gragmuth to speak with her again.

  • While travelling to Bartwull Keep I rememeber what I must tell my mother -about my father and where he is, Ainseligh and his hold over us, magical abilities, Melba.

  • We arrive at Bartwull keep, and I meet with my mother- she leads me away to talk.

  • She tells me the following:

  • The King of Flames, Delcation of war against fellmore, known as the "City of gold'

  • He is delaring it the 'War of fames' and if it results in war- Thunissia will declare utraility and I could be conscripted

  • She tells me over 100 'magic users' have joined his cause.

  • She has been working with Children of Amard- whom she believes is just.

  • I shift the emotions of the guard in the room to demostraite my abilities.

  • I ask my Mother if she knew my father was alive- she seems to be honest with me and says she didnt know

  • I tell her about Ainsleigh and him blackmailing all of us and is threating to kill my father

  • I tell her about Delvin's mother in The Barrows as well

  • I embrace my mother for the first time in a long time...