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Wed 22nd Sep 2021 02:09

The Proclamation

by Katalina Castellanos

  • We awoke to a beautiful and peacful morning in Fellbrooke. Upon tunning my harp Midayla noticed me playing and tunning it. I brushed it off as nothing, im still not sure why I do it, I just have this strong need to.

  • Devlin and I attend the meeting behing held in the town this morning, for the arribvals for the grey guard. I observe 100 Iorn Guard, and a dozen grey guard arrive in town.

  • Captain Brimley addresses the crowd. He states the conscription of magic in the kingdom, if they present themselves now they will be spared. But if they fail to do so, they will be executed. Applications for local grey guard open up in the town. I understand this is to establish mitality presence.

  • I am able to read emotions of townsfolk, most seem empty and resigned, witgh a few hints of greed and feweer still of intense fear.

  • I notice Delvin arroaching a man and his son, I ask if we can go elsewhere to talk, away from prying eyes. Lernen (father) and eden (son) lead us to his house on the outskirts of town.

  • We learn that Eden has ablity to grow life from plants. I ask him to test his skills on me. I calm his emotions, allowing him to concentrate on the task. He is successful, and repairs the wound I inflicted on myself.

  • Delvin sets up arrangements to send the family to The Barrows. We arrive back in town and stay at the inn for the night.