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Tue 7th Dec 2021 12:12

The Room Where It Happened

by Katalina Castellanos

We arrive at Ainselighs mannor were a Dozen or more guests with us, Harold, Alysse, Ainsleigh...
Ainsleigh is know for trading weath and art, is very much into gambling and horses.
I ask him to look over the paintings that I have brought with me.
Ainsleigh presents us with a banqet and a show, showcasing each culutres traditions in music and food
We are lead downstairs into a sealed room where her keeps his artworks.
We immedntly feel the affects of Ainselighs power drift from us- and he releaves to us Edgars head.
I read him emotions to be calm and thrilling.
Ainseligh threaens us and demands one of three things within 7 dayss:
1. Item of intrest- Fellmore septre
2. Mother asssianted
3. Katalina's power + Delvins trade
He is aware I have met with Melba and believes I have some kind of power....
He Says without cooperation Delvins mother is threaten, my father wont be seen again.
I believe he is telling the truth.
We are marched out of the mansion and find a new place to stay.
There, we find ourselves somewhere to stay.
Felton trader said his asstant was looking for people like us, we recognise this as Pemble.
Pemble meets us at the inn were staying in and gives us infomation.