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Tue 8th Feb 2022 12:39

Lady of Flames

by Katalina Castellanos

  • We leave and head towards Ironspire, Russel has been leading the cart under the guiase. We believe that she will be in the embassy district.

  • We arrive at Ironspire, and are told to cover ourselves in "blood" to look the part. We are checked and I cast read and shift emotion to sway the situtaion.

  • We arrive at the cells in Ironspire. Russel tells us where we can find the Fellmore embassy to find Madame Ilaydra. Russel tells us know to get there and the service entry.

  • I change into a maid service outfit. While Brick and Delvin change into guard outfits.

  • We manage to make our way to the Embassy when we notice some Ironguard standing outside.

  • We enter combat which looks like were losing- I make my flame appear and with Delvin's help we manage to make a huge flame ball that sets the town aflame.

  • We manage to finish off the final guards before entering the embassy to beocme face to face with madame Llaydra.