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Tue 19th Oct 2021 02:05

Nature's Fury

by Katalina Castellanos

  • We being travelling towards the town of Ironeye, it is uneventful for the most part until the sun begins to set.

  • Towards us, we see a girl up ahead, arguning with four men with a cage. We observe the girl becoming overprotective with the animal and full of anger.

  • I try to stop her from attcking the men but fail to do so.

  • We enter combat and try to best the men and rescue the animal. We down two of them men and allow the others to leave.

  • We discover the girls name is Lilith, who seems to be able to communicate with animal beings.

  • She leads us to her home for a safe place to sleep for the night.

  • She offers us food if we can help her hunt tomorrow and replace the bow she lost.

  • We sleep for the night but have a restless night.