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Tue 9th Nov 2021 02:20

The Eye Made of Iron

by Katalina Castellanos

  • I awake from a horrible nights sleep at Lilith's with the prophecey's words keepinh me from slumber, but is able to play harp peacefully.

  • I exspress my concern for lilth's safety to Midayla but am reassured she will be okay

  • While staying her place, Lilith has adorened her abode with various trinkets from all over the world

  • Lilith prepsres us a wondfeeful meal and tells us of a person we can entrust the bow to.

  • We exspress our worries and tell her to take care she doesnt get caught again, she is special.

  • We leave her abode and find ourselves at a river that is almost impossible to pass.

  • We travel up the river side which is exsaughsting and causes (2 level 1 injuries) to myself.

  • A horse passes us with Becket on top, riding past who avoids us comepletely- heading to Ironeye.

  • I have visted Ironeye in my travels before, we enter inside and make our way to the sheepskin inn.

  • We bathe and patch ourselves up and notice Adalyn is in the tavern playing.

  • I tell Adalyn of my travels and hope to talk more tomorrow.