Soot covered woman runs towards Adylan and I, claiming 'The King of Flames' has reeked havoic on the town.
Arriving in town, we confirm ewith the local militia what has been happening, and advises it is best to leave town.
I relieve Adylan of his duties to find refuge. I make for the inn and for edgar to sort out my duties and leave before next day.
I meet with Edgar in his home, as well as a fayleenkull, a barroween man, and a female fayleen child. Flaylen child appears distrought but will recover from her emotions.
Validate art trade as worthless trade, take paintings.
Edgar confines in Delvin and I that 'magic' has come to the relam and the clames the king sent were un-natural. Edgar asks the party to take Midayla her family in Ironspire so that she may be safe.
While this will be a difficult task to acomplish, it will allow the people Thunissia better diplocamic trade with Flenton.
Upon arriving at the inn, I write to Mother, asking her what is happening in IronSpire and to respond.
The next morning, we plan our route to Glenervale and adorn ourselves accordlingly.