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Tue 12th Oct 2021 02:45

Voice on the Wind

by Katalina Castellanos

  • I am shooken with a booming voice that fills the room. It tells me of a rise that is to begin in Sunder.

  • I present myself to Elspeth who reads my fotune for me, poorly. I am lead to believe that she is not of magic ability.

  • We all enter the Inn, it is busy and full of life with lots going on. Two Thunissian men are playing for the patrons.

  • I attempt to write down what the voice in my head has said, I am able to patch togther some of it, but not all. Female voice direct:

  • "Powers gathering and people who conspire, shards of sunder, breaking... bonds of old.
    Shards you carry that yern for freedom will also breal but with them... something about new age of power.
    The crown... consumed by flames, war blood, moon, bonds brought to balance and true power of ironspire made free."
  • While dinning I notice the Grey Guard enjoying their night, along with the guard who was questioning Elspeth. I mention a word of caution to Kale.

  • I introduce myself to the two Thunissian men, Alistar and Skyous. They tell we that the girl who displayed magical abilities is staying at other inn

  • I ask Delvin for help on finding her name, May Fletcher.

  • Unfortuntely the night is spoiled by the Blacksmith, who enters tavern and causes a scence. I take Midayla upstarirs for the night.

  • Midayla says she misses home and her parents, I comfort her as much as I can.

  • I write to my mother about the girl who is to enter Ironspire.

  • Mid afternooon, a comotion has happened outside. A Grey Guard is being baratted by the townsfok

  • I try to calm the situtaion, but use all my ability doing so. I leave the Grey Guard at the Inn and leave straight away.

  • Figure of a cat on the roof connected to the house plays in my mind as we leave town.