Sun 21st Feb 2021 06:44

Jan 30th Game Session-Caine's Journal

by Caine

RW-Date 1/30/2021: The Group Today; Solenya Aurelion, Felix Magnus, Cor Black, and I (Caine)
After searching Erig's room we headed to the last room off of the throne Room filled with the dead troglodytes. The room is barren except for a hole at the end of the room, rubble around the edges. Inside the hole is a metal spiral staircase leading downward, it seems quickly constructed and unsafe to traverse. Using his rope of climbing for safety Solenya descends the staircase, using Cor to hold the rope (looking like a pet rope being the invisible with a rope around his waist). As Solenya begins to move down the stairs I notice that the stairs he is moving down is free of dust and frequently used.
Only having one minor incident while going down the rickety stairway, Solenya comes close enough to the bottom of the stare to see that the room below looks freshly made, or in the least still under construction. Including the presence of mine carts and tools for excavating a room. On the edge of the Room is one exit.
Solenya informs us that while the room is clear we may not want to explore this room and those beyond due to the ricketiness of the stairs and the lack of any other exits. We decide to move down the stairs across from the dining hall. As we approach, we remember that a single wall separates us from a beholder with that in mind we send Solenya ahead to scout
Continuing down the corridor and stepping over the bodies of Felix's old adventuring party Solenya scouts down the stares checking every alcove as he goes. He comes to a heavy oaken door ajar, leading to day light. Solenya returns to inform the group.
"This is good incase we need to evade the beholder"
"beholder? I feel like I was denied some need to know information"
After calming down Felix, a bit. Solenya moves forward to investigate past the Beholder door. As we wait for Solenya to scout, Cor moves to the Beholder door.
Opening the door he sees a fungal sphere stalks coming off of it in all directions, it begins to rotate toward him moving toward the door. Quickly closing the Door behind him. Immediately running for the Door to the outside as he approaches the alcoves on ether side start to shift faces pressing through the stone toward him. He opens the door to be greeted by foliage in front of him. the Valley Floor is 20 feet below him...
Cor runs past down the stairs moments later I hear a Shout echo through the halls. I hear Solenya run past Flex and I follow shortly after. Encountering the magic mouths as well hearing them say "You dare enter this place and intrude upon my sanctuary?"
Solenya parts the foliage blocking the sun and sees that the stares up to the mouth of the entrance and the entrance itself are designed in such a way that from the outside they would be hard to see and disguised in the cliff. investigating the wall using his magical perception, he determines that is was probably a magic mouth spell.
After much discussion, we determine that we should explore the rest of Quesquaton before dealing with the beholder. As is standard Solenya moves forward to continue investigating and scouting. Solenya moves to down the passage to the west of the exit. After 5 minutes we begin to follow him. as we approach a turn in the hallway Solenya speaks up startling me asking us to wait again as he moves on.
Moving on Solenya opens the door further down the hallway, moving inside, the floor is covered in blood and gore. Retreating back to the group.
Solenya retreats to us stomach turning, i take his place moving into the room where I see blood and sinew strewn
around the room. From beyond I hear the sound of extreme bloody pain and torcher. Moving forward without thought I attempt to kick the Door open Corn coming around the corner slamming it open with his shield as I fail. Moving forward Cor and I come to the most grizzly sight i have ever seen. A 7' tall desiccated pail creature is elbow deep inside the body cavity of a human barbarian. It seems its intent is to keep him alive and in pain as long as possible. It wears clothing as though it has the intellect to keep it properly fitted, wielding a broken head of a glave.
1. I rush forward and kill the Barbarian. Enraged it attacks me claw coming through my defense slashing my face, i feel my muscles start to lock up cramping up and I push though it in his.
2. Solenya strikes the monster for 9 points of magic missile damage, Felix moves forward missing, i miss, Cor misses. the creature moves forward Cor makes a attack of opportunity (Crit) striking for 13, on the rebound he looses his hammer. The Creature turns on Cor for the devastating strike missing twice.
3. Solenya casts another magic missile dealing 10 damage. I miss the monster. As it strikes out at Felix (Crit Fail), felix expertly deflects the attack(monster takes the damage). Cor expertly strikes again (crit) dealing 13 leaving an opening and striking again for 8. Felix shifts his spear to one hand striking it after for 5. I come forward to strike again missing(crit fail) the monster takes my katana looking to use it
end of combat,
as the monster takes my katana intent in his eyes Cor strikes it down repeatedly covered in gore as the monster fails to move more.
taking in the room we see more bodies around the room and 4 flags of separate color hung around the room. Upon investigation Solenya sees that the creature doesn't seem to be rotting (possibly not undead)