Mon 17th Jan 2022 06:17

Jan 16th 2022 Game Session-Caine's Journal

by Caine

RW-Date 1/16/2022
The creature rears up and attacks Caine, it's tentacle begins to paralyze Caine. In a massive coordinated attack Caine and Felix slice the creature in twain and lay its remains to ruin. We find out that it is a Carrion Crawler that would have paralyzed us and eaten us alive. Inside the room of the Carrion Crawler is a few crates and scattered rocks and the room looks as though excavation was occurring and suddenly stopped.

We continue down the top hallway and come to another fork in the path continuing down the right most hallway we soon come upon a wooden door set into the rough hewn stone. Solenya checks to make sure its ok and Caine goes through the door. inside is a short hallway to a large opening of rough stone with a large pit 15 foot deep sloped with mud and bedrock. Continuing on we come to a fork with 3 passages. From the southern passage a small goblin come out with a blank vacant look on his face, the from our left and right 2 hobgoblins and 2 orks step out, followed by more goblins.
They speak to us in a deep monotone voice, asking "why we are here." then they ask to be let in" When asked why and what is coming for them they tell us "more is coming" "it is as thirst, it is as hunger, more is coming." it needs help, to save his kind. It continues to ask to be let in to determine why we are here.
As he speaks more goblins and hobgoblins and orks join, about 6 of each
Felix decides to let them in, the goblins head sags and Felix shudders and the creature goes over his whole life focusing on his memories of Tyrgon Keep. As the experience ends the Goblin says "Ans Sacorian" then says "you are trustworthy."
"the surface is plagued the rote is from inside, inside the deep. from below, many species live here."" They eat all, they eat morwin, they eat neblin"
We all see a flash of white in our eyes, then a crown then it fades away.
" the enemy is here" "you have found me, and I must ask why this portance." "No place will be safe soon"
They ask us to find more of there kind to help them. They give the name of "Mansicorian". they tell us that if we seek to go below they can lead us there.
For a moment Caine looks inspired and says "Its the White Kingdom the White Kingdom is coming, who is Nhaggol " and fear racks his body, then looks confused.
He tells us the the upper area is ours and the lower is his. as we leave we encounter groups of Orks and barbarians going below and leaving respectively both controlled by "Mansicorian"