Sun 28th Feb 2021 06:28

February 27th Game Session-Caine's Journal

by Caine

RW-Date 2/27/2021:
Setting down for a long rest. After waking and eating Solenya continues to investigate the room for the source of the abjuration, finding a gold ring braided much like a Celtic naught. Leaving the supplies room Solenya begins to scout ahead continuing north and coming to a hallway that leads back to the mess hall. Solenya continues forward and comes to a metal door imbedded in the stone looking like a prison door
After some time we convene to discuss our options and hear the sound of a metal bang such as a metal door closing from down the hallway with the metal door. Solenya goes to investigate while the party falls back a bit.
We move forward to investigate the Large Metal Door, Cor breaks the lock of the first one and behind it is a second identical door, Solenya opens it as it is unlocked and behind it is 3 more identical doors one North one east and one west facing.
Moving around the complex to see where the doors could lead to we come across some Sybast Barbarians who we tensely parlay with and agree to not fuck with them and they won't fuck with us, but much more threateningly. After leaving the tenuous peace one of the barbarians goes invisible.
Moving along with Solenya following behind attempting to detect the invisible person we come to a room that is cold... long and narrow it is filled with supplies for mining. In the room is a great axe of excellent quality. Investigating Caine finds that the south-east corner of the room is where the cold is emanating from. So cold that Felix becomes frost bitten. As Felix and Caine move back from the cold space the floor begins to grow with frost rind following behind us.
Running from the room Caine strikes at the floor trying to halt the flow of the entity to no effect. As we flee Felix throws a handful of flower into the air as Caine runs through it he ignites the flower in the air causing a small explosion. Caine sees how the entity seems to feed off the heat of the explosion seeing this he dowses his torch causing the entity to stop flowing us.