Sun 21st Feb 2021 06:43

Jan 23rd Game Session-Caine's Journal

by Caine

RW-Date 1/23/2021:
Start finding Solenya as he ran away form the group. As we come to the clearing area that he stopped in, the leaves on the ground started to rise around us. Exploding into the air and drifting to the ground, as Solenya approaches Felix and I from while invisible. His foot falls alert Cain and he draws on him, prompting him to draw on him. Felix startled by the encounter is having difficulty with directions and Solenya climbs a tree to see the way back to the road. We continue on our way to the caverns of Quesquaton. Resting the night in the Orc Cavern.
In the morning the Group moves on to the gnoll entrance to The Pool Cavern of Quesquaton. Solenya moves ahead leaving a trail for us to follow in 5 minutes. with the pool of wine ruined Cain begins to drink the wine skin of Liquor wine. Felix is an asshole kicking the wine skin into the Vinegar bath remains of the pool of wine ruining the wine Caine had. Falling in and pulling Felix in after him. After regrouping with Solenya further in the complex we come to a door with the inscription of "Erig"? Inside is a bedroom with a bed, a keg marked "SD" on a stool, a chest, 2 shields (tower and round brass with a spike), and a heavy mace. There is a body on the ground that was savaged, throat torn out and body partially eaten. Solenya opens the chest, inside is rough clothing, broken dagger, a plaque with commendations, and a bust of copper and silver.