Sun 2nd Apr 2023 11:01

April 2nd 2023 Game Session - Cain's Journal

by Caine

We continue to travel forward with out quest to clear the dungeon for the people of Tyrgon Keep. We move into a "throne room" Solenya looks at the tapestries and investigates behind them to check if they mask or conceal anything of interest. Behind one of the tapestries Solenya finds a alcove containing a Glass scroll-case(1). At the same time Caine and Felix investigate the room off of the throne room containing a massive demonic statue, it has a grate in the middle. We decide to lift it and under the grate is a pile of gray powder that look like ash. As Felix and Caine look at this they hear Solenya speaking in a monotone chant behind them. As he does the runes surrounding the demonic statue begin to light up like blood trickling down a wall. Felix and Caine decide the only way to stop him is to knock him out. When Solenya comes to he decides to give Felix the Glass Scroll-Case(1) just in case.
We continue to attempt to try and clear out this stronghold and move onto the door north of the dining room. Solenya listens at the door and hears a disturbing sound of flapping wings and clawing on the other side. As Solenya goes to open the lock it suddenly changes shape and key hole, seeing that picking the look will be quite difficult Felix reduces his yari to a single plane and slashes the door apart. Inside we find a bed, a table set with dinning ware, and against the western wall we see a bat like creature straining against a thin golden chain that is attached to the wall. There is also a large mirror with a ornate golden frame on the western section of the northern wall. After a quick discussion of what to do, we feed the creature and Felix frees it from its captivity. The creature immediately flies over to the bed and begins to rummage around under the sheets. While Caine keeps an eye on the creature, Solenya and Felix begin to investigate the other rooms attached to this one.
In the writing room the see a desk with skull and ink on it, long sword(2), two chests spilling over with coins. There is a strong sense of magic coming from this room (illusion), and something wrong with the chests. The chests are fake something is just wrong with them. Caine, with that description tosses a torch into the chests and they wink out of existence as the torch touchs them, revealing a wall with melted stone, tinted purple. Before leaving the room Solenya went to investigate the sword on the desk and it springs off the desk attacking him, we jump into action to defend Solenya. After being struck multiple times, Caine finaly reaches out and grasps the sword preparing to grapple to hold onto it.
Found this Session:
(1)Glass Scroll-case - Contains a scroll with two priestly spells.
(2)long sword - currently attacking the party