Mon 13th Feb 2023 01:07

Feb 12th 2023 Game Session-Caine's Journal

by Caine

-- It has been slightly longer than a year since we last played so lets hope for the best!!! --
We make the decision to try to clear the rest of the dungeon so that the people of Tyrgon Keep can move into the area. We start by moving up the passage north of the kitchen an come into a room with several large piles of manure, most likely from boars. We move on continuing around the corner, Solenya leading, as he investigates a passage the floor drops out from under him causing him to fall 40ft onto a waterlogged floor filled with stalagmites piercing his leg and arm.
We manage to get him out and move on coming to find a room above the dining hall. We open the door using Felix's dimension blade and are immediately struck by a gale force wind extinguishing our torches. After the wind lessens we enter to find a large chamber containing armor, weapons, and shields. Inside we find 2 chests containing nothing. We also see that several holes are in the ceiling of the chamber providing fresh air. While walking down the hallway of this room Solenya detects a quiver filled with three magic arrows.
We continue down the hallway of the room to come to another door behind which appears to be a barracks capable of holding in excess of 20 men including an alarm bell in the corner. Under the table in the room we find a great-sword and pouch. Inside the pouch is a orange vial(necromantic) and 3 gold coins. the sword is of excellent workmanship and silvered.
3 GP {Solenya}
1 Vial of orange liquid (necromanticSolenya}
1 silvered great-sword of exquisite make {Caine}
1 quiver with 3 arrows made of iron wood and heavily magic {Caine}