Sun 21st Feb 2021 06:44

February 20th Game Session-Caine's Journal

by Caine

RW-Date 2/20/2021:
As we try to escape the vegetation room to evade the shambling mound. As we all begin to run out the room the hallway begins to close up and the mound begins to reform in the middle of the passageway.
Felix bursts past the the vines leaving a gap for Solenya to pass. We all Escape to the end of the hallway where the mound won't follow us.
As we're determining where we want to go to rest through the night, Solenya hears the sound of someone entering Quesquaton. To avoid detection we continue down the passage it begins to snake around for a while, worked stone the whole way straitening out and the zig zagging left then right.
While passing down the hallway Solenya notices that a marking along the bottom of the wall that has been happening every 5th or so block is missing... Investigating closer Felix finds a false wall along the north-west wall once Solenya points out a depression along the wall (where the door runs along). Opening the door we come into what appears to be a supply closet, filled with doors, stones, nails, etc. the one thing that stands out is a suit of armor, off its stand, propped up on the wall.
On closer inspection of the armor by Solenya, investigating without touching Solenya notices the fingers begin to move... Leaping back he yells that it's coming alive.
"Combat Starts" Solenya Webs the armor to the wall. Slowly we being to hammer and cut the armor apart, on the final blow by Cor it explodes.
As we take in the seen after the fight Solenya activates the door to close us in for the night. Caine begins to make dinner "Borsch, camp rye bread-with a brie and fig spread, and Spiced Corn"
-End of Session Details-
...In room is...
box of spikes
box of nails
pile of wooden beams
sack of mortar
1/4 full stack of stone blocks
crate with assorted hardware
broken jug of glue