Mon 27th Feb 2023 12:23

Feb 26th 2023 Game Session - Cain's Journal

by Caine

*NOTE: a flaming log is now referred to as "monster bane"*
We resume our adventure in the fresh air tunnel and decide that we need to have a rest so we decide to go to a hidden bedroom we found earlier. In the room is a bed a cabinet tapestries and wood paneling, as well as a large stone statue. while we are investigating the room and politely deciding who is going to get to sleep in the bed the statue springs to life and attacks us. After some time of defending ourselves the statue crumbles to dust as suddenly and unexpectedly as when it first struck. In the aftermath Solenya still feels the presence of magic in the room examining he can't determine that source but can tell it is "" school. We investigate the cabinet and bed and good quality cloths in the cabinet, Solenya has very suspicious about the bed. As it turns out Solenya has been suspicious about the a Yari that was hidden in the paneling behind the bed
The tapestries in the room are
1. a dragon being fought and slain by fighters the killing blow is by a Yari
2. a large battle at a mountain pass mage and warrior together
3. a warrior and a woman riding while holding hands lovingly
4. a warrior and a mage clasping hands and overlooking a desolate hilltop
In our down time Solenya identifies the magic items that we have.
3 Arrows (from: last session) : of slaying orks history: bought by Uthgar and the Oathgar from a wiazrd
Potion (from: last session) : healing Potion
Yari (from: this session) : +2 Yari
a golden Cube (from the room with the heat seeking fungus) : Unknown still
After a long rest we continue to clear the rest of the dungeon. starting with the rooms around the throne room.
in the room is:
stretched scaled skin, the skin of a brass dragon - half a set of leather armor
a statue of a 6 legged reptilian creature about waist height - alteration magic
2 iron posts with a skeleton manacled between them - not human bones, and not fully human height
2 moose heads with huge antlers
4 claws that match stretched dragon skin - from a brass dragon, very sharp and hard
ostrich like creature
a huge black shield (to use properly you'd need to be 14 feet tall) -
a polar bear skin - (taken by Caine as bed roll)
two rams heads
two crossed katanas - extremely intricate w/ heraldic symbols, and look used and not cared for as though they were taken as trophies (taken by Caine)
laying in the corner is an unhinged door, with symbols carved into it - make the shape of the sun behind a mountain range
3 colorful flags -
Notes* for next session- Check out the katanas with heraldry after session.
XP divvied out.
History of the two crossed katanas-
he sword of Li Hu (“The Tiger of the Bright Blades”) and Ye Xingjuan (“One who holds the luck of beauty”). Li and Ye were a part of “Mishi” (Lost Generation, or Mishi de Yidai) of Anhungy.
Years ago, the children of many nobles of Anhungy (city in the province of Meiyang, in the Shao) grew restless and ill tempered as the saw a lack of greatness among them. Their parents, dutifully so, had struggled, successfully, to create great wealth and stability which their young children benefited from, greatly.
As they grew and heard stories of their elders and their great deeds, these children heard the call within their blood – they were destined for greatness, however, they had no struggle, no hardship, no cause to which they could pledge themselves. The children, counting 27, gathered themselves and made a pledge that they would free themselves from their hereditary bondage and seek out injustice in other parts of the world to bring greater honor to themselves and their families.
So, the children had weapons forged for themselves in secret and frequently met and trained in covert locations under the eye of the one adult whom they trusted, the armorer Wuqi Shou.
The children grew confident in their abilities over many years. When they became young adults they gathered together and confronted their elders whom forbid them from attempting such a reckless mission and imprisoned them. Once again calling on Wuqi Shou, the children escaped and left to find their fortune. The children would not stay together, they soon split into smaller companies and chose different paths, however, each carried upon their person a small braided length of silk braided by Ye – this token would serve as their symbol of commitment to each other and, hopefully, would bring them the luck of Ye.
While little is know of what happened to these children, a few have stood out notably. It is said that some of these children helped General Kratys establish the Freeholds – a territory outside the Shao where all people were welcomed to harvest the land, free of larger governance.
What is certain, as you can see from these blades and from the Yari, is that the “traitorous” Wuqi Shou, Li, and Ye journeyed together for some time and eventually fought as members of the Banner of the Bright Blades of Gleaming Salvation which marched upon the Temple of Zuggtmoy. Whether they perished in this battle or continued their good works elsewhere is lost to history.
Li and Ye wielded the swords, Wuqi the yari.