Sun 16th Apr 2023 09:25

April 16th 2023 Game Session - Cain's Journal

by Caine

Having just managed to grasp the hilt of the sword Caine slams it against the desk and holds it in place while Solenya and Felix come to his aid. Solenya slams down two daggers locking the blade into a small range, while Felix uses a power to become strong and climbs onto the desk grasping the hilt while standing on the blade jerks up on the blade and snapping it! This whole action has left the desk we used as our arena ruined.
After collecting ourselves we proceed into the other room off of this bedroom, it seems to be some sort of a walk-in closet laden with fabric and cloths making it feel much narrower than it is. Hanging from hooks on the walls is moth eaten cloth and cloths, at the end are several piles of cloth aprox. 5ft tall and a book shelve with 4 books(1-4). Solenya begins to look behind the cloth on hooks to for secrets he finds 3/4 leather jacket(5). Felix takes armfulls of cloths to the bed for the "imp" to jump into. Caine sees out of the corner of his eye a rugged miners lamp(6) filling it with oil he lights it up and uses it to examine the book.
We decide to rest in the room and set down and read a few books, Solenya looks into Zelligar's Notebook. Caine reads the Martial Arts Manual to Felix for a bit, then sets down to make dinner where Li'l Toady (the imp) joins us. Caine sets a place for all 4 including Toady and we eat.
Found this Session:
(1) The Fallen Lands, a guild-book, by Tzelvor Muunts - Written in the Sabastic Language which is fairly rare.
(2) Listings and References to Flora a Complete Guild, by Enauelynthias
(3) Meteorological Phenomena and other Wonder4s of the Weather, by Xiseb
(4) Zelligar's Notebook - not a spell book, Book is Written in Cifers. Is the story of a crusade against a goblin tribe and how his partner butchering them all, it is excessively brutal.
(5) 3/4 Leather Jacket, worth 15gp
(6) Lamp