Sun 9th May 2021 05:26

May 8th Game Session-Caine's Journal

by Caine

RW-Date 5/8/2021:
The group decides to continue exploring down the stairs to the south of the cow room. down the stairs is a room, bypassing it for now Solenya moves forward finding that the hallways reconnected to the maze of locked doors. Coming back to the room we moved past the door has a RUNE carved into it denoting a fancy "R", the door is non magical. Solenya unsuccessfully tries to open the door and when he fails lets Ball have a go, and he succeeds. Opening the door we see what looks almost like a gym. Ball finds a expensive jeweled dagger. After thoroughly searching the room and not finding anything else we move on to another unexplored area.
We move north of the hidden room containing the animated Armor, Solenya moves forward to scout. The passage moves in a large arc positioning itself near where we determined the Barbarians are based. On a set of double doors Solenya detects a ward containing a flame spell. Using his abilities to disable the ward Solenya takes the time to pick the lock, the door opens and Solenya jumps inside.
After a few tense hours Solenya emerges from the doors to inform us that it's a library, and since none of us can read what good would it do us. As well as books this library contains 4 cages, all containing huge dead bugs. Hidden behind the tomes is a large book with a Zanthian Helm emblazed upon the cover.
Items Gained:
Tome of a Zanthian Martial Artist - a Tome of Zanthian Martial Arts
Ball - Jeweled Dagger
Magical Pages that fell out - un seen servent

Solenya - Books:
Gnomish-Druidic Dictionary - Solenya
Tales of the Shining Prince - Caine
Writings on Carpentry
Tales of the Mighty Giant
Voyages of Bucmar
Legend of the Lazy Knight - Caine
Inspirational Poetry - Caine
Journeys of Daliir
Traditions of the Desert Tribes
Legends Concerning Thaumaturgy
Terran-Aquan Dictionary - Solenya
Sorcery Sagas
Writings on Sculpting
Book of Ropemaking
Herbs of the Broken Hills
Biology of the Serpent - Jeremy
Sylvan-Orcish Dictionary - Solenya
Legend of the Dirty Prince
Guide to Basketmaking
Hidden Book behind - Tome of a Zanthian Martial Artist - Felix
Dietary Habits of the Unicorn
Compendium on Cobbling
Dwarven-Gnomish Dictionary - Solenya
Hazards of the Swaying Moors
Rousing Poems - Caine
Squirrel Powers - Magical Pages fell out - Felix
Mournful Poetry - Felix
Champions to the Chaos Gods
Goblinoid-Sylvan Dictionary - Solenya
Stories of the Bitter Valley
Guide to Painting - Felix
Dragon Rites
Travels of Futharoth
Myths of the Law Divinity
Guide to Poisons - Solenya
Hopeful Verses - Caine
Traditions of the Southern Regions
Book of Painting
Lexicon of Aquan Words - Solenya
Tales of the Evil Gods
Pegasus Rituals
Dances of the Elves
Legends Regarding Divination
Terran-Common Dictionary - Solenya
Draconic-Common Dictionary - Solenya
Life of Saint Maranlannare
Manual of Fletching
History of the Trolls
Gnomish-Abyssal Dictionary - Solenya
Compendium on Alchemy - Solenya
Lexicon of Orcish Terms - Felix
Chasing the Mud Mages - Solenya
:someone's account of trying to chase down the Jezulain, with maps and such leading to tombs