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Jikx the Murderer

Iron Maji Jikx Yakim (a.k.a. the Murderer)

Jikx the Murderer was an Iron Maji of the Order of Maji, from the late 800's, who was executed by the Order for heinous crimes in 896. He gained his name when mentally controlled several members of the Order of Maji and forced them to imbue a series of weapons and objects, often the subject of imbument would be another person. Through them being imbuers, imbument subjects, or test subjects, Jikx killed 22 people.



At his trial few witnesses were called, Jikx having hid his actions over the years very well. One witness, unfortunatley, was the Mirror of Collier, who was able to bare testimony of the entire ordeal, the woman Collier having been semi-conscious at the time. Her words were damning and Jikx was sentenced to execution for 22 counts of murder and crimes heinous to humankind. Per her request, the sentance was carried out by Collier herself, who reached out of the mirror and strangled Jikx in the Sanctum Great Hall.   The Mirror of Collier has been used for Order of Maji trials ever since, playing the role of executioner more than once as well.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Enchanted Items & Crimes

  • Spiritviper
    • A spear with the ability to take the use of any limb or organ it touches, by destroying the life force of the body part and severing it from the brain.
    • Created after a healthy, living person, a Topaz Maji from the school was imbued into the spear.
  • Deadman's Axe
    • Axe with the ability to spred Deadman's Blood, an infection that grows inside of dead people that begins to poison the target.
    • Was created after imbuing a deadman's tissue into the axe.
  • Plague Spear
  • Mirror of Collier
    • A mirror with a person trapped inside who can interact with people in the living world; the person in the mirror also has the ability to reach out of the mirror, as well as see into a person's soul to see if they are lying. Is used in trials.
    • Created in 895 when a healthy, living woman named Collier, a diplomatic Intermediate Topaz Maji and had fallen ill and was in the medical wing of Sanctum, was imbued into a full length standing mirror.
  • Avingoer Staff
    • Out puts an explosioin or discharge of whatever element or materials the user has charged it with. So for example can freeze a room floor by tapping it and charging ice. Blow away an area of contents by hitting the floor with air charge, etc...
    • Created when a wooden staff was imbued with a living acolyte student fro the school.
  • Bolt
    • Bow that charges arrows with lightning that charge as they fly through the air, the longer they fly the more the charge, to the point that long volley shots can cause a lightning blast the explodes and does damage in a general area.
    • Created when static lightning and a living person, a local petty theif, was imbued into the bow.
  • Decay
    • A dagger that has the ability to spred Deadman's Blood, which begins to poison the target, only a small knick is needed and the person is dead within a few days
    • Was created after imbuing a deadman's tissue into the dagger.
  • Painstock
    • A Staff with the ability to cast a combined burst of fire and lightning.
    • Created when static lightning, heat, and a living person, an acolyte from the school, was imbued into the staff.
Current Status
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
Aligned Organization


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