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Aernoch Religion

There a many forms of religion among the inhabitants of Aernoch. Most species have their own Pantheon of Deities to focus their worship, though they may reach beyond their own deities or even beyond the known pantheons. There are a number of creation stories in the world, but the Myth of Creation by Aero is widely accepted as authentic. From Aero, Shae & Lyss formed their own children. These original children became equally grouped with Shae & Lyss and were named The Ancestral Gods of the Material. They are the greater gods. From them come the intermediate gods, followed by lesser gods, then demigods.  

Aero — Creator of the Universe

Mostly viewed as a formless entity that is so beyond the scope of mortal beings that individual worship is a useless act, Aero's only interjections within its creation have been in response to higher beings. Aero is also believed to be the only god respected by Dragons. This is thought to be in relation to Aero's creation of The Realms Beyond, where most dragons now reside after their great migration. Dragons are the only creatures noted to have traveled beyond The Great Divide between the Central Realm & The Realms Beyond.  

The Ancestral Gods of the Material

These are the known greater gods. They are of Aero. There are stories of additional members, but they were either killed or found no interest in revealing themselves to the Material Plane.  
  • Shae of Common Folk — Goddess of Light and Knowledge
  • Lyss of Common Folk — Goddess of Darkness and Deception
  • Sytys of Common Folk — Goddess of Magic
  • Elphayme of the Elves — God of Life & Justice
  • Dorath of the Dwarves — God of Honor & Crafting, also called the Mountain God
  • Dryope of Common Folk, Dryads, Sprites, Pixies, Halflings, and Gnomes — Goddess of Nature
  • Avar of Common Folk, Elementals, & Avarites — God of the Sun, Stars, & Elements
  • Gol of the Orcs & Giants — God of Strength & Storms

    Pantheons of Aernoch

    Over time, the greater gods brought life through Aero. What they bore grew into the Pantheons of current Aernoch. During the Great Cataclysm, a war between the outer & inner planes erupted. Many gods died, some mortal beings ascended to godhood, and chaos reigned. The following were the primary results of that tumultuous period.  
  • Aethosian Pantheon also known as The Common Gods
  • Elven Pantheon also known as The Elvrae
  • Dwarven Pantheon also known as the Circle of Doratharr
  • Halfling Pantheon also known as the The Heartworth
  • Gnomish Pantheon also known as the Dryads of the Weather Wood
  • Avarite Pantheon also known as the The Matuoso
  • Orc Pantheon also known as The Great Pair
  • Giant Pantheon also known as the Marked of Gol
  • Pantheon of Magic also known as the Authorities of Magic
  • The Dark Pantheon also known as the Dieties of Shadow

    Other Gods of Aernoch

    In regions untouched by civilization as well as some human civilizations away from Aethos believe in alternate deities. These are considered by Aethosian theologists to be the same gods but named by tongues and perspectives of the native populous. Sometimes conflicts have arisen when a foreign god was dubbed a lesser god under the known pantheons. Some scholars protest false gods are Lyss in disguise, trying to move her evil against the good gods.   Malifane — the most common non-Aero deity, viewed as "the one true god" by his believers

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