The Majors

The Majors district, often lovingly referred to as "The Majors," is the bustling central district that serves as the vibrant heart of the city. Here, the middle-class citizens find their homes, and the streets teem with life, commerce, and culture. It is the largest district, a melting pot where diversity thrives.


The City Guard maintains a regular presence along busy main streets, ensuring peace and order. Their patrols create a sense of security for the district's inhabitants and visitors alike. The Majors welcome all, from mercenary companies and adventurous spirits to weary travelers and ambitious merchants. It is a place where cultures converge, commerce thrives, and the pulse of the city beats strongest.

Industry & Trade

The western half of The Majors thrives as the heart of industry and craftsmanship in the city. The Artisan's Guild, a revered institution, presides over this area, its workshops and skilled craftsmen producing a wide array of goods. From skilled blacksmiths forging weaponry to skilled tailors fashioning garments, this district is a hub of creativity and commerce.

At the district's center lies the bustling market, a place where merchants from near and far gather to trade wares and exchange stories. Here, the Adventurer's Guild provides a haven for adventurers, mercenaries, travelers, and merchants. Surrounding the market, a multitude of shops and services cater to every need, ensuring that The Majors remains a thriving epicenter of commerce.


In The Majors, houses are organized in blocks, often rising multiple stories high, their facades displaying a diverse array of architectural styles. While the district lacks the opulence of the High Town, it compensates with character and charm. The tightly packed residences tell the stories of their inhabitants, each a unique thread in the tapestry of city life.

Points of interest

Religion thrives in The Majors, with numerous churches and chapels dedicated to different deities scattered throughout the district. It's a testament to the city's diverse beliefs, and these places of worship serve as sanctuaries for spiritual reflection and communal gatherings.


The Majors lie at the center of the city, strategically situated within the protective city walls. To the north, a gate provides access to the High Town, bridging the gap between nobility and the middle class. To the south, natural hills create a natural barrier that separates The Majors from the Hill District, home to the lower-class citizens. Several roads wind up the hills, connecting the two districts. To the east, the outer city wall separates The Majors from the bustling Harbor, with a gate to the north leading to the shipyard and another in the east connecting to wooden docks where fishing boats and smaller cargo ships find their berth.

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