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Aldebaran V4: City of Wonders, Den of Dangers

General Summary

The session would begin with everyones' separation. Rozalin would head towards the docks, Mordecai and Luner to the Temple of the Omnifideus, Sha remaining in the plaza, and Maya to the help center. With everyone having some sort of goal or idea in mind, they'd each have their own encounters.   Within the docks, Rozalin would find the familiar scent of the sea. With specialized ships designed to traverse through the rivers of Sacriel being loaded with all sorts of supplies and goods, she'd listen to the rumors of the docks. Talk of local breweries having problems with delivering alcohol and troubles in the sewers, conversations would come to a hush as a menacing looking otakawa would walk through to a merchant ship. Not knowing who he was, Rozalin would approach one of the dock workers, an ammurun named Mark. Warning her to stay away from him, she'd pressure the cat into spilling that he was the Dock's Lord, a fearsome crime boss and smuggler ring leader within Cosiax. Deciding to help out with his work as thanks for the info, she'd do this for a time. Mark would reveal later that another garuvak is under the employ of the Dock's Lord, likely under the water as they spoke. Seeking the shark person out she'd find the so called "Shredder", a far older and grizzled warrior of the sea. Swapping some stories under the waves, he said he'd meet her at the Sights and Smells. With the date on, she'd revel within the water some more before heading back, having been sometime since she last swam.   Mordecai and Luner would find themselves at the grand Temple of the Omnifideus. A wonder of the world, this cathedral reaches towards the sky at around 250ft. tall. With a dedicated chancel to each of the true Theotians of Aldebaran, the traffic going into and out would be immense. People of all types would be making their way into the church to attend masses, and just as many were leaving, having just finished. Mordecai and Luner would find themselves inside a giant hallway with many doors. Placards denoting which god each door would take them to, they'd split here. Luner would head towards Lunayin, while Mordecai to Utosserix. A congregation already in process, he'd wait about an hour for it to end before meeting the high priest Natalie Crenayis. A gentle amurrun, Mordecai would greet her and she him. Knowing him as a paladin almost right away, Natalie would be eager to speak with him as Utosserix does not hold many paladins. Mordecai would begin to ramble about the caravan trip, and that is when she'd ask if he'd be more comfortable talking within her chambers rather than in the open audiotorium.   Heading to the chambers, Mordecai would let out all that had happened. The strange oracle Ogazi, the Weavenfell, his companions. Natalie would listen and offer her advice where she could. She knew not who Ogazi was, nor what she saw, but it sounded as if fate had brought them together. She'd suggest reaching out to high priests of other gods, perhaps the fated ones of Yis, Cassilda, or even Omorful'henzio Khakranzee might be able to elucidate more answers. When she heard of the ritual being done, she would describe what the Weavenfell is. A process by which a person's thread of fate is essentially wiped clean, their past lives removed. People's memories of their names and who they were become foggy, the ritual is a violation of the soul. She'd also pin down that one of Mordecai's companions is an amuru'shi. Rather than show disgust though, she'd simply say he is a product of his upbringing, and that life and death are not the same as creation and destruction. Death can bring creation just as much as life can destroy. With a perspective that Mordecai might not have considered before, he'd leave with perhaps a little more resolve than before. He'd meet back up with Luner, who had been waiting for him. The high priest of Lunayin had not been around, and she was too scared to talk to the lone person in Omorful'henzio's chancel, so she instead went to a local magic shop to buy some supplies. With the sun starting to set, they'd head back to the plaza where they all split from Thuaxl's Blacksmithery.   As per the text roleplay from Aldebaran V4: The Road to Cosiax, Sha traversed a narrow line between life and death from his encounter with Ishy. He'd spend his time resting at the Two-Tailed Sales, scribing scrolls in Shiggy's loft.   Maya would head towards the help center and meet Venthis and Majikku. Looking for jobs and coin, Venthis would provide her with a list of various requests throughout the city. Troublesome youth were causing troubles, and a request from the city guard would ask for outside help in "teaching them a lesson". A rust monster was wreaking havoc on the sewage system, and a crack to the Realms down Under had opened down below. They've been unable to safely close it as of yet. The farmer's coalition needs help with trimming some ankhegs, and the local breweries are all reporting of an issue they need discrete help with. Thanking Venthis for the offers, Maya would head towards the farmer's coalition and meet Timinth. 500gp per ankheg head plus 150gp for each plate they'd want to sell to them, Maya would let her know they'd consider the job and will let her know tomorrow. She would then depart back to the plaza.   With the sun dipping low, they'd used Rozalin as a beacon within the plaza to gather and reassess. Plenty of options to choose from, they'd look towards the Sights and Smells bar. An impressively large establishment, all sorts of folk would be found within. With several bars, a stage with dancers, magically lit meeting tables, memorabilia strewn all about the walls, and a cozy fireplace with an old human resting, the party would be greeted by Steve the guard from before. They'd say hi before splitting up again.   Rozalin would follow through with Shredder, finding the garuvak sitting just a bit to the right of the guards. He'd tell tales of history, how the rivers of Sacriel are the results of a cataclysmic arch-lich running mad with power and the ensuing Year of Destruction, times of the Wrekuinao Dynasty and their conquest for the world, where the Soul of the Ocean lies within The Whirl, the mysteries of Black Stone, wizardly theories of other planets, and more. Shredder thinks his life is coming to a close soon, given how old he has become. Years come and go to people like that though, so who's to say how long he truly has left. In return for the stories, a huge tab of alcohol was being run up, as well as a broken table. Rozalin would tell of her own experiences so far, of a wreck she fails to remember clearly. Sometimes it's a kraken, other times a ghost ship, one thing is for sure though was that she lead a mutiny of some sort. Toasting to the dead crew and to booze, she'd go get a room for the night.   Maya and Sha would go speak with a kobold bard that was singing a song about getting beaten up by thugs. A charismatic fellow, he'd jest about it being a cry for help. The local youth again, they seemed to be after him. Calling himself Rapport, he'd made fun of them in one of his songs and now he hides here to avoid their wrath. When asked about the clans of the sewers below, he'd give them a stink eye and say he was a traveler and that not all kobolds lived underground like that. He'd instead point to a black scaled kobold just a bit below them, a person called Duskef. She was apparently a guide of sorts for the sewers. His string would break on his lute as he'd strum, and as thanks Sha would fix it before the two of them would head towards Duskef.   Duskef was all business, looking to charge them for information. But when she found out that Sha and Maya were looking to help out with problems in the sewers, she'd relent and show them a rather detailed map of the labyrinthe under the city. A little northeast are where the sewer maintenance building was, her clan were the main workforce and protectors of the cities underground. She suspects that all sorts of nasty things have come up from below, the rust monster for instance, but also likely drow. When it came to entering from outside the city though, Duskef would be rather rigid about this. She didn't want to let any more threats in. However, Mordecai would approach the conversation at this point, and with his PALADIN WORD, vouch for Sha's sincerity about letting some allies into the city. Not entirely pleased, but willing enough, she'd say she could get them in safely. That was when Luner would join as well, but with some worry. She'd pull them to the side, and Maya would stay behind and continue talking with Duskef and the usatokki slinger for a bit before heading to bed.   Before we talk about what would happen next, we must first talk of Mordecai. When the group split once more, he'd walk with Luner to go meet Majikku and Venthis. Unfamiliar and perhaps a little awkward, he'd excuse himself from the table and would go talk instead to another paladin. He couldn't recognize the symbol upon her armor (which is embarrassing), but the rabbit paladin would recognize him as one of the Black Serpent. The other paladin would ask if he knew the lay of the land around the city, and when he did not, confess that she was hopeless with directions. She sought out a monster posing as a shopkeep, a sister of hers at one point. Supposedly a vampire of some sort, Mordecai couldn't find any fault with her attempting to slay such a thing. But then she'd go further and state that she had also heard an amuru'shi was also living here, and that she intended to judge him worthy of his life. This is when they'd get into a debate, with Mordecai's side being that he was likely harmless if he was living in the city, death does not necessarily mean evil, and acceptance. Her side would be that there have been many amuru'shi that have gone on to become prominent necromancers, undead are always evil and those that would produce them must be slain, and that he might have fooled the populace into thinking he's harmless. Politely disagreeing, Mordecai would move towards Sha with that worrying thought in his mind.   We would find that Luner had also talked to the paladin, and they'd convene on one of the side tables to talk about it. Sha was worried, perhaps for a few different reasons. Mordecai and Luner promised they'd protect him though. They'd talk about the undead outside of town and his control over them, making sure that it was absolutely sound. Sha would also reveal that he had met the other amuru'shi, the alchemist Shiggy. Suddenly sensing something may have been off though, and with the information he had, he realized that Shiggy might be in trouble. He'd begin rushing towards his store, Mordecai and Luner following behind and noticing the paladin was gone. While rushing, Sha would fail to notice along the roofs that thugs awaited. They'd sling rocks at him, one landing solidly across his shoulder and making him stumble, blood hitting the ground. He'd get a dose of what he might have been expecting for some time now, "Out of our town, fucking amuru'shi!" one would shout before they'd disappear in the night. In his adrenaline though, he'd ignore them and continue to the Two-Tailed Sales. There, with Mordecai behind and Luner trying to heal him would be the paladin from before, a sword drawn and looking to enter quietly. Who knows what intent she had?   Now forced into confrontation, the paladin would reveal she'd heard their conversation about undead and Shiggy's store. Disappointed with Mordecai and Luner for harboring another amuru'shi, she'd question them as to why. Mordecai said he was keeping an eye on him, and given he still had his powers and aura, the other paladin could see that his word still meant something. She'd question Sha as to whether he intended to hurt anybody with his undead in the future, and when he wouldn't answer, demand that he say something or she would kill him. Saying he had no intention to other than in self-defense, she'd "let" him leave with his life. But she was not finished. The paladin of So'lith would still seek to judge Shiggy, stating that she was essentially above the law of the city when it came to making sure its inhabitants were safe. They'd argue she wasn't, but the paladin was either to resolute or thickheaded to consider any other point. Having been loud enough to wake Shiggy, they'd find him inviting the paladin within to talk, very clearly nervous.    Shiggy would state he had hurt people in the past with undead, but only in self-defense. He did not intend to create any future undead, and the one dead creature he had within his abode, a cute little skeleton bird, she would smash and say with more affirmation, "No more undead". Shocked and scared, Shiggy would comply. The party would sit behind and watch this all unfold. Seemingly satisifed, the paladin would judge Shiggy acceptable and worthy of living. She'd stand and hop out of the building, and notice Sha's hateful gaze. Asking him if he'd like to say anything, he simply stared and said nothing. A final sneer, she would leave. Left with the atmosphere the paladin dumped on them, Shiggy would make tea. Offering to get some cushions and pillows out of the storage room, Sha would make a dark promise to see her dead, with Shiggy quietly saying he didn't want to kill anybody. That is where the sessions ends.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Explored the city somewhat.
  • Learned of potential jobs and problems.
  • Likely saved Shiggy's life.

Character(s) interacted with

Mark (Amurrun) - A simple sailor in the docks, he'd provide information to Rozalin. He could be seen hanging out in the Sights and Smells later on.   Shredder (Garuvak) - A guard and grizzled old shark, he'd meet Rozalin under the waves of the Spinal Bay. Swapping tales and arranging a date at the Sights and Smells, he'd drink with her and describe events throughout history he'd personally lived through.   The Dock's Lord (Otakawa) - A local crime boss within the docks, he is a smuggler. While Rozalin hadn't talked to him, he was later seen in the Sights and Smells. He was always surrounded by big, beefy guards.   Natalie Crenayis (Amurrun) - The High Priest of Utosserix, she'd greet Mordecai to the temple and offer advice to him.   Venthis (Amurrun) - A help center manager, he'd offer jobs to Maya. He'd later be seen at the Sights and Smells. He'd meet Mordecai there, and talk with Luner.   Majikku (Amurrun) - A wizard of some note and shopkeep, she wants to capture a rust monster. She'd sell Luner a pearl of power later in the day, and be seen in the Sights and Smells. She'd meet Mordecai there, and talk more with Luner.   Timinth (Ōkagǒu) - The head of the farmer's coalition, she'd had put up a request to slay ankhegs for a decent price that Maya had gone to her to inquire about. She is on the outsides of the city, within the farmlands.   Ishy (Usatokki?) - Shopkeep of the Scrolls n' Sundries, she'd sell Sha the use of her scrollbook to scribe some spells, as well as repay him in onyx with some of his life.   Steve (Human) - Good ol' Steve, he'd meet Maya by the gates as she went to the farmer's coalition. He'd also be seen within the Sights and Smells, where he'd welcome them and get them some drinks.   Guard (Unknown) (Kitsune) - A guard sitting with Steve, he'd recommend they'd go speak with a kobold of the clans if they planned to go into the sewers.   Rapport (Kobold) - A kobold bard hiding from the thugs of the city. He'd ask if Maya and Sha could deal with them, and offer whatever advice he could. He'd recommend Duskef to them, as he is a traveller and isn't from the city.   Duskef (Kobold) - Another kobold, a guide of some sort. She'd show Sha, Mordecai, and Maya a map of the labyrinthian sewers below. She could also get them inside the sewers from the outside of the city.   Gunslinger (Unknown) (Usatokki) - A quiet gun-toting rabbit, he sat and listened to the conversation between Duskef and the party.   Bartender (Unknown) (Ragaron) - One of the bartenders of the Sights and Smells, he'd sell Maya a room.   Paladin of So'lith (Unknown) (Usatokki) - A devout follower of the sun god, she came to town to kill her sister and a monster posing as a shopkeeper. Hopeless without directions, she'd engage Mordecai and Luner in philosophy before making her way to Shiggy's store, having eavesdropped on their conversation. She also intends to judge Shiggy, having heard of an amuru'shi that lives in town. Threatening to kill him and Sha, she would let them live after having judged them acceptable.   Thugs in the Night (Amurrun and (Unknown)) - Two thugs attacked Sha last night with slings. One blow landed soundly, and a racist call was made, demanding Sha leave the town.   Shiggy (Amuru'shi) - He'd let Sha stay at his store for a time and scribe. He'd then be the target of a paladin's judgement later in the night. The usatokki from the bar would see if Shiggy was worthy of his life. Having been judged so, he'd be shaken by this.
Ending In-Game Date & Time
Janarth 3rd 294 A.D. / 10pm
Report Date
19 Feb 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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