Warlock Patrons

At 1st level, a Warlock selects their patron. This patron is a vague and mysterious force, granting the Warlock power for reasons that they might not entirely understand. While these forces need not be named, the powers they grant typically fall under a specific theme.   At 3rd level, and every two levels thereafter, a Warlock’s patron adds new spells to a Warlock’s list of spells known. These spells are also automatically added to the list of spells stored by their Familiar. The spells gained depend upon the patron chosen. Each patron is listed by its theme. Its actual name is up to the GM and the Warlock to decide.  

Patron Themes



Jump (2nd), Cat's Grace (4th), Haste (6th), Freedom of Movement (8th), Polymorph (10th), Cat's Grace, Mass (12th), Ethereal Jaunt (14th), Animal Shapes (16th), Shapechange (18th).  


Bless (2nd), Aid (4th), Prayer (6th), Blessing Of Fervor (8th), Commune (10th), greater Heroism (12th), Refuge (14th), Euphoric Tranquility (16th), Weird (18th).  


charm Animals (2nd), Speak with Animals (4th), Dominate Animal (6th), Summon Nature's Ally IV (8th), Animal Growth (10th), Antilife Shell (12th), Beast Shape IV (14th), Animal Shapes (16th), Summon Nature's Ally IX (18th).  


Color Spray (2nd), Hypnotic Pattern (4th), Wall Of Nausea (6th), Rainbow Pattern (8th), Blazing Rainbow (10th), Programmed Image (12th), Prismatic Spray (14th), Prismatic Wall (16th), Polar Midnight (18th).  


Ray Of Enfeeblement (2nd), Create Pit (4th), Gentle Repose (6th), Vitriolic Mist (8th), Major Creation (10th), Acid Fog (12th), Caustic Eruption (14th), Horrid Wilting (16th), Wail of the Banshee (18th).  


Protection From Evil (2nd), See Invisibility (4th), Magic Circle against Evil (6th), Dimensional Anchor (8th), Control Summoned Creature (10th), Banishment (12th), Ethereal Jaunt (14th), Dimensional Lock (16th), Gate (18th).  


Lock Gaze (2nd), Disguise Other (4th), Tongues (6th), Hypercognition (8th), Dominate Person (10th), Symbol of Persuasion (12th), Vision (14th), Frightful Aspect (16th), Overwhelming Presence (18th).  


Deathwatch (2nd), Blessing of Courage and Life (4th), Speak with Dead (6th), Rest Eternal (8th), Suffocation (10th), Circle Of Death (12th), Finger Of Death (14th), Symbol of Death (16th), Power Word Kill (18th).  


Negative Reaction (2nd), Demand Offering (4th), Sepia Snake Sigil (6th), Charm Monster (8th), Dream (10th), Envious Urge (12th), Waves of Ecstasy (14th), Euphoric Tranquility (16th), Symbol of Strife (18th).  


Ventriloquism (2nd), Invisibility (4th), Blink (6th), Confusion (8th), Passwall (10th), Programmed Image (12th), mass Invisibility (14th), Scintillating Pattern (16th), Time Stop (18th).  


Divine Favor (2nd), Martyr's Bargain (4th), Magic Vestment (6th), Magic Weapon, Greater (8th), Flame Strike (10th), Bull's Strength, Mass (12th), Bestow Grace of the Champion (14th), Holy Aura (16th), Heal, Mass (18th).  


Hold Portal (2nd), Rope Trick (4th), Blink (6th), Dimensional Anchor (8th), Planar Binding, Lesser (10th), Planar Binding (12th), Banishment (14th), Planar Binding, Greater (16th), Gate (18th).  


Shocking Grasp (2nd), Flaming Sphere (4th), Fireball (6th), Wall Of Ice (8th), Flame Strike (10th), Freezing Sphere (12th), Vortex (14th), Fire Storm (16th), Meteor Swarm (18th).  


Unnatural Lust (2nd), Calm Emotions (4th), Unadulterated Loathing (6th), Overwhelming Grief (8th), Dominate Person (10th), Geas/Quest (12th), Euphoric Tranquility (14th), Demand (16th), Dominate Monster (18th).  


Endure Elements (2nd), Bear's Endurance (4th), Protection from Energy (6th), Spell Immunity (8th), Spell Resistance (10th), Bear's Endurance, Mass (12th), Restoration, Greater (14th), Iron Body (16th), Miracle (18th).  


Confusion, Lesser (2nd), Plague Carrier (4th), Babble (6th), Wandering Star Motes (8th), Feeblemind (10th), Antimagic Field (12th), Insanity (14th), Symbol of Insanity (16th), Interplanetary Teleport (18th).  


Doom (2nd), Anticipate Peril (4th), Helping Hand (6th), Blessing Of Fervor (8th), Forbid Action, Greater (10th), Contingency (12th), Jolting Portent (14th), Maze (16th), Wish (18th).  


Remove Fear (2nd), Restoration, Lesser (4th), Remove Disease (6th), Restoration (8th), Cleanse (10th), Pillar Of Life (12th), Restoration, Greater (14th), Cure Critical Wounds, Mass (16th), True Resurrection (18th).  


Memory Lapse (2nd), Hideous Laughter (4th), Distracting Cacophony (6th), Confusion (8th), Mind Fog (10th), Envious Urge (12th), Insanity (14th), Symbol of Insanity (16th), Overwhelming Presence (18th).  


Ill Omen (2nd), Shatter (4th), Bestow Curse (6th), Retribution (8th), Mark of Justice (10th), Eyebite (12th), Spell Turning (14th), Antipathy (16th), Energy Drain (18th).  


Dancing Lantern (2nd), Continual Flame (4th), Daylight (6th), Rainbow Pattern (8th), Fire Snake (10th), Sirocco (12th), Sunbeam (14th), Sunburst (16th), Fiery Body (18th).  


Cure Light Wounds (2nd), Eagle's Splendor (4th), Remove Curse (6th), Restoration (8th), Cleanse (10th), Heroes' Feast (12th), Foe to Friend (14th), Euphoric Tranquility (16th), True Resurrection (18th).  


Darkness (2nd), Darkvision (4th), Owl's Wisdom (6th), Moonstruck (8th), Aspect of the Wolf (10th), Control Water (12th), Lunar Veil (14th), Horrid Wilting (16th), Meteor Swarm (18th).  


Stone Fist (2nd), Stone Call (4th), Stone Shape (6th), Spike Stones (8th), Wall Of Stone (10th), Flesh to Stone (12th), Stone Tell (14th), Repel Metal or Stone (16th), Clashing Rocks (18th).  


Sleep (2nd), Detect Thoughts (4th), Oneiric Horror (6th), Phantasmal Killer (8th), Nightmare (10th), Night Terrors (12th), Symbol Of Weakness (14th), Demand (16th), Polar Midnight (18th).  


Detect Undead (2nd), Command Undead (4th), Twilight Knife (6th), Black Tentacles (8th), Snake Staff (10th), Create Undead (12th), Waves of Exhaustion (14th), Trap the Soul (16th), Gate (18th).  


Sanctuary (2nd), Calm Emotions (4th), Wind Wall (6th), Dismissal (8th), Serenity (10th), Word of Recall (12th), Forcecage (14th), Euphoric Tranquility (16th), Antipathy (18th).  


Detect Undead (2nd), Command Undead (4th), Contagion (6th), Animate Dead (8th), Giant Vermin (10th), Create Undead (12th), Control Undead (14th), Create Greater Undead (16th), Energy Drain (18th).  


Entangle (2nd), Accelerate Poison (4th), Lily Pad Stride (6th), Grove of Respite (8th), Tree Stride (10th), Repel Wood (12th), Animate Plants (14th), Control Plants (16th), Shambler (18th).  


Ill Omen (2nd), Locate Object (4th), Blood Biography (6th), Divination (8th), Contact Other Plane (10th), Legend Lore (12th), Vision (14th), Moment of Prescience (16th), Foresight (18th).  


Sanctuary (2nd), Resist Energy (4th), Wrathful Mantle (6th), Stoneskin (8th), Interposing Hand (10th), Forbiddance (12th), Spell Immunity, Greater (14th), Prismatic Wall (16th), Freedom (18th).  


Liberating Command (2nd), Remove Paralysis (4th), Sacred Bond (6th), Freedom of Movement (8th), Cleanse (10th), Heroes' Feast (12th), Joyful Rapture (14th), Protection from Spells (16th), Heal, Mass (18th).  


Magic Fang (2nd), Slipstream (4th), Rage (6th), Moonstruck (8th), Beast Shape III (10th), Vengeful Outrage (12th), Phantasmal Revenge (14th), Seamantle (16th), Storm Of Vengeance (18th).  


Decompose Corpse (2nd), Warp Wood (4th), Fungal Infestation (6th), Fleshworm Infestation (8th), Plague Carrier (10th), Epidemic (12th), Creeping Doom (14th), Horrid Wilting (16th), Cursed Earth (18th).  


Silent Image (2nd), Darkness (4th), Deeper Darkness (6th), Shadow Conjuration (8th), Shadow Evocation (10th), Shadow Walk (12th), Shadow Conjuration, Greater (14th), Shadow Evocation, Greater (16th), Shades (18th).  


Mirror Strike (2nd), Twisted Space (4th), Blink (6th), Dimension Door (8th), Hostile Juxtaposition (10th), Repulsion (12th), Walk Through Space (14th), Bilocation (16th), Teleportation Circle (18th).  


Ghostbane Dirge (2nd), Invisibility (4th), Speak with Dead (6th), Spiritual Ally (8th), Ghostbane Dirge, Mass (10th), Shadow Walk (12th), Ethereal Jaunt (14th), Planar Ally (16th), Etherealness (18th).  


Feather Fall (2nd), Alter Self (4th), Pup Shape (6th), True Form (8th), Lightning Arc (10th), Chain Lightning (12th), Control Weather (14th), Stormbolts (16th), Time Stop (18th).  


Faerie Fire (2nd), Dust Of Twilight (4th), Guiding Star (6th), Wandering Star Motes (8th), Dream (10th), Cloak of Dreams (12th), Circle Of Clarity (14th), Euphoric Tranquility (16th), Astral Projection (18th).  


Obscuring Mist (2nd), Fog Cloud (4th), Call Lightning (6th), Ice Storm (8th), Call Lightning Storm (10th), Wind Walk (12th), Control Weather (14th), Whirlwind (16th), Storm Of Vengeance (18th).  


Divine Favor (2nd), Bull's Strength (4th), Magic Weapon, Greater (6th), Divine Power (8th), Righteous Might (10th), Bull's Strength, Mass (12th), Giant Form I (14th), Giant Form II (16th), Shapechange (18th).  


Goodberry (2nd), Flaming Sphere (4th), Daylight (6th), Flaming Sphere, Greater (8th), Wall Of Fire (10th), Sirocco (12th), Sunbeam (14th), Sunburst (16th), Fiery Body (18th).  


Thorn Javelin (2nd), Wrath (4th), Thorny Entanglement (6th), Thorn Body (8th), Wall Of Thorns (10th), Blade Barrier (12th), Repulsion (14th), Mage's Sword (16th), Wooden Phalanx (18th).  


Ventriloquism (2nd), Silence (4th), Haste (6th), Threefold Aspect (8th), Teleport (10th), Disintegrate (12th), Expend (14th), Temporal Stasis (16th), Time Stop (18th).  


Jump (2nd), Bear's Endurance (4th), Beast Shape I (6th), Beast Shape II (8th), Beast Shape III (10th), Form of the Dragon I (12th), Form of the Dragon II (14th), Form of the Dragon III (16th), Shapechange (18th).  


Animate Rope (2nd), Mirror Image (4th), Major Image (6th), Hallucinatory Terrain (8th), Mirage Arcana (10th), Mislead (12th), Reverse Gravity (14th), Screen (16th), Time Stop (18th).  


Burning Hands (2nd), Burning Gaze (4th), Pain Strike (6th), Shout (8th), Symbol of Pain (10th), Pain Strike, Mass (12th), Phantasmal Revenge (14th), Incendiary Cloud (16th), Winds of Vengeance (18th).  


Bless Water/Curse Water (2nd), Slipstream (4th), Water Breathing (6th), Control Water (8th), Geyser (10th), Elemental Body III (water only) (12th), Elemental Body IV (water only) (14th), Seamantle (16th), Tsunami (18th).  


Unshakable Chill (2nd), Resist Energy (cold only) (4th), Ice Storm (6th), Wall Of Ice (8th), Cone of Cold (10th), Freezing Sphere (12th), Control Weather (14th), Polar Ray (16th), Polar Midnight (18th).  


Shield Of Faith (2nd), Owl's Wisdom (4th), Magic Vestment (6th), Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser (8th), Dream (10th), Globe Of Invulnerability (12th), Spell Turning (14th), Protection from Spells (16th), Mage's Disjunction (18th).  


Entangle (2nd), Accelerate Poison (4th), Lily Pad Stride (6th), Grove of Respite (8th), Tree Stride (10th), Repel Wood (12th), Animate Plants (14th), Control Plants (16th), Shambler (18th).


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