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Blades of Tranquility

The Blades of Tranquility is a military organization in Akagawa.


In response to the rising threat of the Confliction and the monsters associated with it, the Blades of Tranquility were formed as a military unit given the divine guidance and protection of Akagawa's Empress at the time. As violence became increasingly connected to cases of Confliction, these guidelines were recorded as the Edicts of Harmony and followed reverentially by every warrior desiring the protection of the gods. Over time, the order was expanded to include the collective of Akagawa's official military might, including palace guards, border guards, enforcers, and monster hunters.   A Blade's daily life starts early and ends late, idealizing will-power, spiritual clarity, and asceticism. The daily rituals common in Akagawan culture are a strict necessity in a Blade's, as avoiding the Confliction is the key to remaining alive (and not slaughtering your comrades in a mindless frenzy).   Recruits follow a strict training regimen that lasts from dawn to dusk for an entire year, with only the sacred holiday off. After this, they are scouted into a specific branch of the Blades, though trainees are typically able to end up where they wish to go.


Though the Blades of Tranquility enact the Empress's will above all else, the details of their military operations are overseen by a Warlord. Generally, this is Consecra's Champion for the current generation, though when one passes away, another warrior will hold the position while waiting for the next Champion to reach fighting age. The only exception to this rule is in the case of Arakaki Isamu, a man of common birth who was recruited into the Blades as a mercenary and was granted the title of Warlord by the Champion of the time, Kasai Akio.   Beneath the Warlord, generals of exceptional standing were referred to as Wraiths. Although extensive conflict had usually left them deeply Conflicted and thus, close to their eventual execution, their sheer willpower and resolve allowed them to retain their sanity far beyond the limits of most mortals. No Wraiths were named after the Great Tragedy led to the abolishment of Conflicted individuals existing in the public sphere.   Typically, the ranks consist of those born into families with strong martial traditions, or lesser nobles looking to strengthen their family name. Due to the price of weaponry and the lack of time to train, most commoners are unable to pass the entrance exam. However, it is a subject of great excitement for many Akagawan youths wishing to escape their humble country lives or overbearing parents and become a well-loved warrior hero, something that many popular novels capitalize upon and glorify. Though there is no rule barring females from entry, it is typically a masculine profession due to the inherent impurity associated with violence, and the culture's reverence of women.   Occasionally, influential youths of Yuanlin were allowed to serve in the Blades as part of an exchange program between the two martial cultures. This tradition ended with the Great Tragedy and the subsequent isolation of Yuanlin.   In times of war, mercenaries are recruited to bolster Akagawa's  military might. However, these mercenaries are usually disdained due to their 'uncultured' techniques and lack of adherence to the Edicts of Harmony and other similar codes of honor, making them generally unsafe to work amongst due to their propensity towards Confliction.

Edicts of Harmony

1. One must inflict violence only when necessary to create peace.
2. When fighting, one must waste no time in delivering mercy.
3. Hide one's eyes, and one shall not perceive the ugliness of such sin.
4. The spirits of the departed must be led to a body of flowing water, that the currents may cleanse them of impurity.
5. Should such guidance be impossible, the spirit must be destroyed in Her sacred flame.
6. Fear not the warmth of Her embrace.
7. Should one's mind fall to impurity, let the body lead the spirit to absolution.

Named Members

Wraiths Generation | Akagawa Kimiko(Wingwraith, Empress) ❖ Yu Xiuying(Nightwraith, Foreigner(Yuanjia)) ❖ Kasai Akio(Bloodwraith, Champion) ❖ Arakaki Isamu(Wildwraith, Mercenary, Warlord) ❖ Aikawa Hitomi(Foxwraith, High Sorceress) ❖ Taiys Ir'tek(Lostwraith, Foreigner(Beastsworn))
  Deicide Generation | Arakaki Katsuo(Champion, Warlord) ❖ Aikawa Kaoru ❖ Hibiki ❖ Murakami Tsubasa

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