"Lunchmoney" Snuggleshine

High Elf Ranger, Hunter

"We're here to support our brother in arms."
"Lunchmoney" Snuggleshine, or "Snuggles", is a high elf ranger who appears in Azimuth Anthology: The Lost Vessel, prologue of Azimuth Campaign Two. He is played by H.C.



"Snuggles" is a 250-year-old, lean high elf ranger. He has long, snow white hair. He appears young and fit by elven standards. He wears a deep red shade of lipstick.   His leather armor is aged with layers of patina on the surface due to its age. The armor has elements of battle damage, but is well maintained. He wields a long bow. He has shown proficiency with thunder-based magic.   "Snuggles" has a slow and steady voice inflection.


"Lunchmoney" is not his given name and is a nickname given to him. Snuggleshine is his family name translated from elvish to common, though he often goes by the shortened "Snuggles".   "Snuggles" is often reserved and closed off. Even with pestering and questions from Corxim Loofallue, "Snuggles" has revealed very few details about himself. He does not boast about his accomplishments.   "Snuggles" spends much of his downtime maintaining his equipment and weapons, keeping them in good working condition. He also often keeps watch for the party and keeps look out for approaching obstacles and entities. He has a tactical appraoch to battle, often aiming for the weak points of enemies, like their eyes. He also is aware of any time restrictions on the party, such as when he suggested the Lost Vessel Seekers not rest at Fort Johanna when others may have learned of the missing Harolaud ship.   "Snuggles" shows a strong loyalty to his allies, even after a short time. Though he did not show it outwardly, he started growing fond of Corxim during their adventures together. He also praised Durak Hamarhart's abilities and they shared a mutual respect.   "Snuggles" has shown a weakness for attractive women, being the only party member to become enamored by Maalik.



"Snuggles" is from the Snuggleshine elven family, the common language translation of their elven family name. At some point, "Snuggles" left his family home.   He is a trained ranger with his favored terrain being forests. He showed familiarity with owlbears and was able to quickly identify an owlbear den.   "Snuggles" has been in Endor, the First Mountain for some time, patrolling the roadways of the Iron Highway. He also seemed to have experience with sunken vessels at some point in his past.   In early 5A 352, "Snuggles" entered Endor to seek aid in dealing with a camp of bandits operating on the Iron Highway north of the city. A paladin named Durak Hamarhart volunteered his assistance. Corxim Loofallue overheard this and he offered his assistance as well. Together, the three cleared the bandit camp. Afterwards, they returned to Endor to celebrate their victory.

Azimuth Anthology: The Lost Vessel

On 24 Felim 5A 352, "Snuggles", Durak Hamarhart, and Corxim Loofallue visted the Gilded Gnoll tavern in Endor, the First Mountain to celebrate their victory against a group of bandits to the north. There, they interacted with Jozor Wildfingers, a halfling minstrel of the group Mithrilback, a musical group "Snuggles" is a fan of. They also met a woman who seemed to glow with heat, Maalik, who "Snuggles" offered to share a drink with. Maalik offered the party a quest to retreive a lost item from the gnomish ship, the Harolaud.   They hired a carriage driver, Andinir Brightdale, and headed northwards into a worsening winter storm.   On the roadway north of Lakanaba, "Snuggles" spotted two figures approaching with his superior elven eyesight. He alerted the party to them and they fought a mated pair of owlbears. Corxim and "Snuggles" fought the larger, male owlbear. Corxim was accidentally shot by "Snuggles" during the fight before he killed the owlbear with his daggers.   They travelled into the Red Rocks Bay where they found the Harolaud frozen in ice. The party ran as they fled from many fire motes that tried to sap their energy on the ice. Inside, "Snuggles" and Durak worked to remove the barricades and obstacles placed in the way of the entrances to the lower sections of the ship.   At the bottom of the ship was a large fire elemental that had slain the crew. As the elemental took the item they were seeking, a green ring, from the hands of the dead captain, it grew exponentially, causing the ship to explode outward and sending the party scattering onto the ice.   During the battle, "Snuggles" was knocked unconscious by the elemental's attacks. Corxim rushed to the unconscious "Snuggles" to prevent him from sinking beneath the ice. As Durak broke open the ice beneath the elemental, they were submerged and the elemental was extinguished. The steam caused by this prevented "Snuggles" and Corxim from seeing what happened to Durak until he was ejected from the water with the green ring item in hand.   Together, the party fled from the breaking ice back to the coast. They took refuge in a nearby cave, which "Snuggles" identified as an owlbear den before quickly setting a fire.   Though they were successful in retrieving the item, on the way southwards towards Endor they chose to not return the item to Maalik, instead seeking to investigate it as a potentially dangerous artifact. Once they returned to Endor, the party hid the green ring in Durak's family home and planned to seek the guidance of the preists of Endor's Temple of Zenethia.


Durak Hamarhart

Durak Hamarhart and "Snuggles" speak very rarely to each other, though they seem to have a shared respect for each other. Durak complimented "Snuggles" on his performance in battle with the bandits and with the owlbears.

Corxim Loofallue

Corxim Loofallue often would attempt to goad "Snuggles" into conversation and revealing more details about himself. Corxim praised "Snuggles"'s abilities often.   During their battle with a mated pair of owlbears, "Snuggles" missed his arrow shot and Corxim was hit by the arrow in the chest.

Character Information


On 24 Felim 5A 352, "Snuggles", Durak, and Corxim accepted a quest from Maalik to retreive a lost item from the gnomish ship, the Harolaud. They were successful in retrieving the item, however they chose to not return the item to Maalik, instead seeking to investigate it as a potentially dangerous artifact.

Notable Items

  • Black cylinder case containing deep red lipstick


  • "We're here to support our brother in arms." - AA 02
  • "We should go now, because we're working against the clock." - AA 02
2022 Character Art by J Pleshe
Character Type
Player Character   Actor

Current Location
Date of Birth
5A 102
Snow white, long
Lean, toned
Aligned Organization