Durak Hamarhart

Half-Orc Paladin, Oath of Devotion, Folk Hero

"It's not the years, it's the mileage."
Durak Hamarhart is a half-orc paladin who appears in Azimuth Anthology: The Lost Vessel, the prologue of Azimuth Campaign Two. He is played by J.P.



Durak is a very old half-orc in his mid-60s. He has large tusks. He has wrinkled, old skin. There is a jolly quality to his facial expression. He is balding on top. There is a big amount of grey hair held partially by a ponytail in the back, with the extra flowing down along the sides. He has a shorter beard.   His armor is well-kept but has seen a lot of battle. There are dings and nicks but it is kept in good condition. He wields a warhammer and previously had two shields.   Durak's voice is deep and steady.


He is often calm, almost jolly, and is not easily flustered, even in battle. This was shown during his battle on the Iron Highway where even though he took enough damage to nearly fall unconcious, he did not cry out or yell, instead offering words of encouragment to his allies.   Durak has great respect for the Dragon Deities, including his patron Chedae, The Heaven's Light, often calling on Chedae for blessings in battle. He does not necessarily take the rules of a religion or the church too seriously. Durak feels that he has wisdom enough to know that rules sometimes need to be broken for the greater good.   Durak occasionally has misunderstandings or confusion. This was seen in Endor when he purchased a second shield while already owning one, and on the Iron Highway when "Lunchmoney" Snuggleshine said he was there to support Durak and Durak was momentarily confused as to who he was referring to.



Durak was born in Endor, the First Mountain. He is the son of his late parents, his orc father and half-orc mother. His heritage is Dworc. His mother was orphaned and raised by dwarves from Clan Hamarhart, a subclan of the larger Clan Ironguild.   During his career as a paladin, Durak participated in several conflicts within and around the areas of Endor. Durak stated he protected a small village in 5A 329.   In early 5A 352, Durak met "Lunchmoney" Snuggleshine who was seeking aid to deal with a camp of bandits operating on the Iron Highway north of Endor. As a paladin, Durak volunteered his assistance. Corxim Loofallue overheard this conversation, and after deciding this was an opportunity for riches, personal experience, and making allies, he offered his assistance as well. Together, the three cleared the bandit camp. Afterwards, they returned to Endor to celebrate their victory.

Azimuth Anthology: The Lost Vessel

On 24 Felim 5A 352, Durak, Corxim Loofallue, and "Lunchmoney" Snuggleshine visted the Gilded Gnoll tavern in Endor to celebrate their victory against a group of bandits to the north. There, they interacted with Jozor Wildfingers, a halfling minstrel of the group Mithrilback, a musical group Durak is a fan of. They also met a woman who seemed to glow with heat, Maalik, who offered them a quest to retreive a lost item from the gnomish ship, the Harolaud. Durak offered to do the job without pay if it was in the interests of his patron.   They hired a carriage driver, Andinir Brightdale, who's clan was from the same parent clan, Clan Ironguild, that Durak's grandparents are from. The party headed northwards into a worsening winter storm.   On the roadway north of Lakanaba, they fought a mated pair of owlbears. Durak fought the female owlbear to protect Andinir, but nearly was knocked unconscious in the battle and his armor was severly damaged. During the battle, Durak called on his patron, Chedae for his healing and buff spells. After the fight, Corxim was able to partially repair Durak's armor.   At Fort Johanna, they helped a dwarf cleric, Dulimund Dourwrek, as he healed an orc farmhand wounded by an owlbear. Durak assured the cleric that they had taken care of the owlbears and they shouldn't be a problem any further. As Dulimund talked to the party about the strange storm, he theorized it was Sehakora, The Maelstrom, that was the source of the blizzard. Durak urged caution against placing blame on the gods so quickly.   The party went westward to the Red Rocks Bay, with Durak leading the party through the heavy snow. The effort to do so in the cold exhausted Durak.   They travelled into the bay where they found the Harolaud frozen in ice. Durak led the party's run as they fled from many fire motes that tried to sap their energy. Once on the deck of the ship, it was Durak that broke the lock on the hold's hatch and led them inside.   At the bottom of the ship was a large fire elemental that had slain the crew. As the elemental took the item they were seeking, a green ring, from the hands of the dead captain, it grew exponentially, causing the ship to explode outward. Corxim hid behind Durak in the explosion as they were flung onto the ice.   During the battle, Durak used his shield to protect Corxim from the elemental's attacks. He also used both his shields and warhammer to break the ice under the broken bust of Sehakora that the elemental and green ring item were tethered to, sending them into the water. As they sunk, the ice broke and Durak was submerged in the icy water.   Under the water, Durak saw the elemental core sinking, seeming to be actively crushed by the water around it. He saw the energy from the bust dissipate and grow dark. He also saw the green ring and behind it Durak saw a set of dragon-like eyes and pair of pale white horns in the shape a crescent emerge from the dark water. The entity watched as Durak removed the chest piece of his armor to stop him from sinking and swim forward to grab the green ring. As he did so, he felt an overwhelming rage from the entity. From his Zenethia symbol pendant, he felt a smaller but defiant energy that made the entity faulter. Then in a rush of water, Durak and the item were ejected out from the water and back onto the ice.   Together, the party fled from the breaking ice back to the coast. They took refuge in a nearby cave, where Durak attempted to discern the effects and purpose of the green ring item, but was unsuccessuful.   Though they were successful in retrieving the item, on the way southwards towards Endor they chose to not return the item to Maalik, instead seeking to investigate it as a potentially dangerous artifact. Once they returned to Endor, Durak hid the green ring in his family home and planned to seek the guidance of the preists of Endor's Temple to Zenethia.

Campaign Two: Lightbringers

Session 0.1 - The Provideniye
At some point before 9 Madaet 5A 352, Durak sent word to Bishop Rannyl Grimsunder and requested to meet him urgently in his office at the Temple to Zenethia to discuss a matter of importance. By 9 Madaet, he had not arrived.  
Session 37 - Petals, Paintings, Pasts
On 16 Adroth 5A 352, while in conversation with the Lightbringers, Maalik said, "First Durak, now you all. Adventurers keep getting in our way."



Durak is the son of his late parents, his orc father and half-orc mother. His mother was orphaned and raised by dwarves from Clan Hamarhart, a subclan of the larger Clan Ironguild. Durak refers to these two dwarves as his grandparents. They reside in the Clan Hamarhart dwelling in Endor.

Corxim Loofallue

Corxim Loofallue often will exaggerate Durak's exploits, which he often modestly corrects. Durak protected Corxim several times during combat, such as when he used his shield to take the effects of a fire elemental's attack. Durak did not hesitate to answer the many questions Corxim put foward during their time on the roads.

"Lunchmoney" Snuggleshine

"Lunchmoney" Snuggleshine and Durak speak very rarely to each other, though they seem to have a shared respect for each other. Durak complimented "Snuggles" on his performance in battle with the bandits and with the owlbears.

Character Information


On 24 Felim 5A 352, Durak, Corxim, and "Snuggles" accepted a quest from Maalik to retreive a lost item from the gnomish ship, the Harolaud. They were successful in retrieving the item, however they chose to not return the item to Maalik, instead seeking to investigate it as a potentially dangerous artifact.

Notable Items

  • Zenethian symbol pendant worn around the neck


  • "If it is for the right reasons, no gold may be required at all." - AA 02
  • "Do not fret, the Platinum Dragon watches over us." - AA 02
  • "It's not the years, it's the mileage." - AA 02
  • "Chedae has sent me on this path. It is as simple as that." - AA 02
2022 Character Art by J Pleshe
Character Type
Player Character   Actor

Current Location
Date of Birth
5A 287
Balding on top, grey hair in long ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Wrinkled, old skin
Chedae, The Heaven's Light
Aligned Organization