Al'phonas Muchaelas

Elven Art Collector

"One should always make art their first priority."
Al'phonas Muchaelas is an elven art collector who appears in Azimuth Campaign Two. He is an important member of the Keeleon Artistry Society of Tarteria and owns the Galleria Magnifico at the Sapphire Palazzo. He is an NPC played by M.B.   Al'phonas is an artistic patron for Argilla, son of Kla, and for Chaka.



Al’phonas is an elderly and frail-looking elf, who appears to be in his 600's. He is short for an elf and rather lanky. He has a heavy hunch in his back and has long, thin hands. He is balding on the top of his head, with whispy white hair in a skullet.   Despite his age, he has not lost any of his faculties. He has a sharp and astute look and appears very aware and curious.   His clothing is rich and fanciful. He wears thick robes of reds and goldenrods.   He speaks with a unique accent and speech pattern that the Lightbringers found grating at times.


Al'phonas is an eccentric art collector known in Keeleon Artistry Society of Tarteria circles for his odd tastes and behavior. According to Vasari and Etienne, he has a saying he often uses, "The beauty of my beholder eye."   He showed a great skill and knowledge of painting and art as a craft. This was shown as he and Argilla, son of Kla, examined Chaka's art.   Al'phonas did not show much of a reaction to danger or damage. He didn't appear to be easily frightened or surprised, and was seen to react to combat with excitement.



Not much is known about Al'phonas's youth. He currently resides in Calen Estel, and it is unknown where he hailed from before the colony's founding in the early Fifth Age.   At some point, Al'phonas developed a strong interest in the Unsigned Paintings of the Great Beasts. He followed rumors about these paintings, and was given a view of the Great Phoenix painting when speaking about art with Salerain Laminafond. He also came into possession of the painting of the Great Behemoth.   At some point, Al'phonas became a member of the Keeleon Artistry Society of Tarteria. He was put in charge of the Galleria Magnifico at the Sapphire Palazzo.   After Argilla, son of Kla, retirement as godsguard of Porgorag, Al'phonas became Argilla's patron.   On 20 Madaet 5A 352, Al'phonas's Great Behemoth painting was stolen from Calen Estel.   Al'phonas attended the "Temperance and Peace" showing at the Watermill Gallery, which was shown on 26 and 27 Madaet 5A 352. He viewed the "Work #34: Drackhan Tundra Landscape" and became interested in the artist, Chaka.

Campaign Two

Session 31 - These Old Artists
On 14 Adroth 5A 352, Argilla introduced Al’phonas to the Lightbringers at his home in New Keeleon. Argilla introduced him to the Lightbringers, and pointed out Chaka as the artist from the gallery showing.   Argilla and Al’phonas examined Chaka’s “Work #34: Drackhan Tundra Landscape” work in detail, complimenting and commenting on the technique and style. He asked about Chaka’s history as an artist. He said the way Chaka’s art could capture natural beauty was unique. Al’phonas had only seen one other artist capable of it.   Chaka wanted to speak with Al’phonas about the stolen art from Calen Estel, but said the group’s priorities were elsewhere. Al’phonas replied, “One should always make art their first priority.”   Al’phonas said the stolen painting was from the Unsigned Paintings of the Great Beasts made by another artist who could “capture the majesty of natural views”. There were four pieces in the full set, which Al’phonas had great interest in.   Al’phonas could tell the group wanted to be discreet and he excused himself from the room during part of the discussion.   When Al’phonas returned, he asked for Chaka’s help to create a decoy painting for the Watermill Gallery showing to draw out the thieves. In return, Al’phonas offered to induct Chaka as a member of KAST and fill the role of Chaka’s patron.   They agreed, and the party prepared to help Chaka as best they could.  
Session 32 - To Paint a Phoenix
From 14 Adroth to 16 Adroth 5A 352, Al’phonas provided Chaka direction and references for the Great Phoenix while Chaka created the decoy painting. Al’phonas was impressed with Chaka’s abilities, the progress of the piece, and the unconventional use of pigments and colors.  
Session 33 - History and Heroes
Al’phonas was impressed with the progress on Chaka’s painting, and he could tell the Phoenix was what remained. Chaka was humbled that he could tell so quickly, but Al’phonas encouraged him, saying, “If you can make art like this under a deadline, I would be excited to see what you could do with the proper time and resources.” He was sorry they couldn’t attribute Chaka’s name to it.   Al’phonas gave Chaka his registration papers for the Keeleon Artistry Society of Tarteria. He said everything was set for Chaka’s art submission.   When discussing the plan, Al’phonas said having everyone in the interior may complicate following after the thieves quickly. He told them weapons and armor weren’t allowed in the gallery. Al’phonas told them he had made arrangements at Leka Fabrics so they could go get sets of fancier clothes.   Argilla and Al’phonas took Chaka’s art and headed towards the Watermill Gallery to submit it.   At the gallery opening, Mortimr and Al’phonas entered together. Al’phonas stood near the Great Phoenix painting and talked to the patrons about its significance. There was a lot of attention on the artwork as the group mingled, until a distraction caused by Mortimr pulled the crowd away.   Shur approached and asked pointed questions about the Great Phoenix painting, showing an intense interest.  
Session 34 - Watermill Melee
Shur activated a smoke grenade and moved to push Al’phonas aside. A burst of light from Gertrude protected him momentarily. Shur, with an ability to somehow control wind, pulled the air from Al’phonas’s lungs. He fell to the ground suffocating.   Ilmendwyth saw Al’phonas fall and rushed to him in the smoke. Ilmendwyth quickly dragged him towards Gertrude across the gallery. Gertrude checked Al’phonas, but the effect from Shur prevented him from breathing, and Al’phonas passed out. Ilmendwyth ensured he would live and dragged him towards the exits.   Outside the gallery, a guard took Al’phonas from Ilmendwyth and pulled him away from the building.  
Session 35 - On the Scent
Al’phonas was seen being aided by the guards. Looking thrilled, he said, “This is all rather exciting, isn’t it?”  
Session 38 - The Prophets of Regression
Chaka met with Al’phonas outside the Watermill Gallery. Al’phonas asked what they found out about his missing Great Behemoth painting. Chaka said they weren’t able to recover it, but they did find the Great Leviathan painting. Chaka asked about the initials “S” and “E”, but Al’phonas didn’t recognize them either. Chaka asked Al’phonas to share any further rumors about the paintings he may hear.   Al’phonas wanted to put Chaka’s painting and the Great Leviathan painting on display at the Galleria Magnifico. Al’phonas gave Chaka three thousand gold for the group’s assistance and in exchange for displaying the paintings at his gallery. Chaka thanked him and said he looked forward to their future work together.   Al’phonas said Argilla had taken in Nedurr, since he showed promise with sculpture. He said, “Tarterian artists really need to stick together; there’s not many of us.”


Argilla, son of Kla

Al'phonas is Argilla's artist patron, and was involved with inducting Argilla into the Keeleon Artistry Society of Tarteria.   Al'phonas showed great familiarity with both Argilla and his work. It was apparent that they worked well together. This was seen as they examined Chaka's art in tandem, and seemingly as they had discussed Chaka as an artist after the "Temperance and Peace" art showing at the Watermill Gallery.

Keeleon Artistry Society of Tarteria

Al'phonas seems to have some pull in the organization, which was seen by ability to induct Chaka into it and make arrangements for art pieces and showings at the Watermill Gallery. Members of KAST know him for his odd tastes and behavior.


Al'phonas showed a great interest in Chaka's art and abilities. From only having seen one piece, he was able to infer that Chaka's art could include some type of magical effect.   Al'phonas stated he had great admiration for artists from younger races and was impressed with their ability to produce great works in relatively shorter lifespans.

Character Information


On 14 Adroth 5A 352, Al'phonas asked Chaka to make a decoy painting of the Great Phoenix to draw out art thieves that had stolen his Great Behemoth painting. He asked the Lightbringers to pursue the theives and determine where his painting was held and who had stolen it.   In return, he offered to induct Chaka into the Keeleon Artistry Society of Tarteria.


  • "The Keeleon Artistry Society of Tarteria. Or KAST, as those of us in the know call it, because we all have a part to play, don’t we?" - 2.31
  • "Young artists always surprise me with the capabilities they can do with such a short lifespan." - 2.31
  • "One should always make art their first priority." - 2.31
Character Type
Non-Player Character   Actor

Current Status
Current Location
Date of Birth
Late Fourth Age, around 4A 700