Argilla, son of Kla

Orc Painter, Former Godsguard of Porgorag

"Such things are left to ruin and histories and stories."
Argilla, son of Kla, is an orc religious scholar and a prominent artist who appears in Azimuth Campaign Two. He is the former godsguard of Porgorag and mentor to Godsguard Ankhan, daughter of Audeh. He is an NPC played by M.B.



Argilla is a very old, very large orc. He is built like a barrel, though has grown soft and slow with age. He has kind eyes and a wide, square jaw in a perpetual smile. His tusks are big and round.   His hair is a swooping mane of dusty grey and faded brown. He has a similarly colored beard in a short braid.   He wears loose, comfortable clothes that look nicely made, including a finely spun shirt with long sleeves. They appeared relatively new, though there were multiple small paint stains.   Argilla said he was named after Argil, Founder of New Keeleon.   Argilla is a cleric and capable of casting spells. His magic appeared as bursts of light motes, like a sparkler. However, due to the blockage of Chedae's light, his magic took several ties to initiate.


Argilla is a good-natured man. He is a student of history and art, though it appeared he had become somewhat more docile in his advanced age. He was knowledgeable of several topics, but was not shown to be a critical thinker.   He is willing to jump into battle without hesitation, which was seen as the Lightbringers battled several Mud Mutts.   Argilla is somewhat religious. According to Godsguard Ankhan, Argilla "fell into the priesthood" but his true passion was history and art. That said, he showed great effort and care in his role, taking time to study abroad and tend to hidden religious shrines in the city. He showed familiarity with important religious lore, including the Zenethian Heroes.   He also showed a passing familiarity with magical effects and artifacts, which was seen when he examined the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring and compaired its effects to things like the Erdenet and Grupe’s Sentinels.   Argilla showed a skill and knowledge of painting and art. This was shown as he and Al'phonas examined Chaka's art. He was described as a "diamond in the rough" and was gaining noteriety among collectors. He has submitted art to several showings and took commissions.



Not much is known about Argilla's early life. As some point in his youth before 29 Avedar 5A 303, Argilla painted the group portait of the Hero Hunters party, including Haugon, son of Goll.   It was stated he "kind of fell into the priesthood," and as a member of the faith, he had previously studied at the Temple to Zenethia in Endor, the First Mountain, where he met Bishop Rannyl Grimsunder.   Argilla was the previous godguard of Porgorag. Ankhan stated he "was here for decades".   During this time, he created several writings about religious locations, including the Church of Zenethia and Spring of the Natant Yew in Porgorag.   At some point, Argilla mentored the young Ankhan in the faith, including bringing her to see the sealed Spring of the Natant Yew beneath the city.   During his time in the city, he painted the "Peace Be With Yew" artwork, which was hung at the godsguard office in the church.   After Argilla retired, he moved to his new home in the Highland Hills district of New Keeleon. He was inducted into the Keeleon Artistry Society of Tarteria by his mentor, Al'phonas Muchaelas, and would routinely submit works at galleries.

Campaign Two

Session 0.2 - Magical Toys and Concocted Wonders
On 27 Madaet 5A 352, Chaka noticed Argilla's "Paint No Mountain High Enough" painting on display at the Watermill Gallery "Temperance and Peace" showing.  
Session 04 - Dusty Dens
On 2 Adroth 5A 352, Chaka found Argilla's "The Hero Hunters" painting hanging in an old manor of the Hero Hunters Facility.  
Session 11 - Porgorag's Light
On 3 Adroth 5A 352, Chaka encountered Argilla's "Peace Be With Yew" painting hanging in the godsguard office at the Church of Zenethia in Porgorag.  
Session 30 - On the Riverbank
On 14 Adroth 5A 352, Argilla was on the bank of the Rexun River in New Keeleon, where he was seen painting Nedurr, the Mud Mage. There, he saw the Lightbringers fight several Mudmutts. During a pause in the battle, Argilla called out to the group “Quickly! Away from the water, this way, this way!” The group moved with Argilla away from the remaining Mudmutts towards the Watermill Gallery.  
Session 31 - These Old Artists
Argilla asked if the group was alright and gathered some supplies from the Watermill Gallery for the group.   Argilla formally introduced himself. Argilla recalled the message Chaka had left him and remembered Chaka’s art. He said his patron was also extremely interested in Chaka’s work.   Argilla brought them to his home. He introduced Al’phonas Muchaelas and pointed out Chaka. Argilla and Al’phonas examined Chaka’s “Work #34: Drackhan Tundra Landscape” work in detail, complimenting and commenting on the technique and style.   They spoke with the Lightbringers at length about many topics.   Argilla said Ankhan was a bright priestess. Gertrude said she needed more confidence, and Argilla agreed. He said, “She was not quite ready to accept the post, but I was quite ready to retire.”   Argilla examined the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring. He said the effects reminded him of larger, more complicated constructions in Tarteria, like Grupe’s Sentinels and the Erdenet.   Argilla said genasi were often closely tied to strong elemental energies. He had read in his studies of a genasi seeking residuum in the wake of the Great War.   Argilla asked about the Chedae’s light. Gertrude had been sent by Bishop Rannyl Grimsunder to investigate. Argilla recognized the name, saying he’d met the dwarf when he studied in Endor.   Argilla believed the ring was not powerful enough to recreate something like the Severance. He said something created by mortal hands wouldn’t be powerful enough to threaten the gods. The knowledge of how to destroy magical items was not known in the Fifth Age, but he’d heard stories of advanced magical research done in the wake of the Severance. He said, “Such things are left to ruin and histories and stories” and mentioned Angold in the Fareukev Wilderness.   Romsca asked about elemental founts in Tarteria in addition to Red Lake. Argilla listed the ones he knew of. He urged caution when interacting with elemental founts, as it was very easy to underestimate the amount of power flowing around them. Argilla said that the Zenethian Hero Grupe may have explored the inner elemental planes alongside Ivan. Argilla offered Mortimr his copy of Grupe’s The Manual of Monsters to use.   Argilla mentioned he still needed to finish his art piece for the upcoming Watermill Gallery showing. Argilla said with the increased security, only members of KAST were allowed entry.  
Session 32 - To Paint a Phoenix
From 14 Adroth to 16 Adroth 5A 352, Argilla allowed the Lightbringers to use his home while Chaka created the decoy Great Phoenix painting.  
Session 33 - History and Heroes
Argilla asked if Nedurr was to stay in the house. Chaka said this was a “later problem” and Mortimr said they had urgent business. Romsca said Argilla was free to do what he wanted, as it was his house. Chaka didn’t want to disturb his creative process.   When Chaka finished the painting, Argilla and Al’phonas took Chaka’s art and headed towards the Watermill Gallery to submit it.   At the gallery opening, Gertrude accompanied Argilla as they headed inside.  
Session 34 - Watermill Melee
At combat broke out in the gallery, Argilla stayed close to Gertrude. He grabbed a civilian in the dark and held him away from the fighting. When civilians in the side gallery trapped by smoke called for help, Argilla moved to help them.  
Session 38 - The Prophets of Regression
Al’phonas said Argilla had taken in Nedurr, since he showed promise with sculpture. He said, “Tarterian artists really need to stick together; there’s not many of us.”   Chaka stopped by Argilla’s home. He gave Nedurr a small painting of them as a gift. Chaka also set aside a bag of coins for Argilla, with the intent to purchase his “Paint No Mountain High Enough” painting. Argilla was honored and happy at this.


Ankhan, daughter of Audeh

Argilla was a mentor to Godsguard Ankhan as a member of the faith. Each seemed very familiar with the other.   Argilla seemed interested in Ankhan's success as the new godsguard of Porgorag. He was involved with showing her important religious centers of the city and took her along when performing his duties, such as when he brought her to the Spring of the Natant Yew.

Al'phonas Muchaelas

Al'phonas Muchaelas is Argilla's artist patron, and was involved with inducting Argilla into the Keeleon Artistry Society of Tarteria.   Al'phonas showed great familiarity with both Argilla and his work. It was apparent that they worked well together. This was seen as they examined Chaka's art in tandem, and seemingly as they had discussed Chaka as an artist after the "Temperance and Peace" art showing at the Watermill Gallery.

Character Information

Notable Items

  • As the previous godsguard of Porgorag, he had access to an office in the Church of Zenethia. Though he had retired and moved, the new godsguard had not occupied the space and many of Argilla's items remained.

Known Works of Art

Argilla is a well-regarded artist and has several paintings of prominence. His artworks often relate to great moments of orcish history.  
  • Paint No Mountain High Enough: a coastal view showing the Leviathan Sea and the jagged Radags. According to Argilla, the painting is "about the continued struggle of orc-kind against the forces working against it." It was submitted to a showing at the Watermill Gallery.
  • The Hero Hunters: a group portrait of the four original members of the Hero Hunters adventuring group. It was found hanging in an old manor of the Hero Hunters Facility.
  • Peace Be With Yew: an aerial view of Porgorag. The Yew Tree is shown leaning forward and resembles a mother holding a child. This piece was found on display at in the godsguard office at the Church of Zenethia.


  • "She was not quite ready to accept the post, but I was quite ready to retire." - 2.31
  • "Such things are left to ruin and histories and stories." - 2.31
Character Type
Non-Player Character   Actor

Current Status
Current Location
Current Residence